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4 ups, 5y
Let me break it down, if both groups claim the same goal of protecting the public, we give each member some credit and say they all started with the best of intentions. From that start point we see one group (the Police) that has it best ready to correct the worst, the system flawed or not is already in place. The other group (antifa) best member can only be backed by someone lower in ability.

It comes down to ability, only the police can arrest and hold its members legally accountable. I have never seen any antifa riot where a member called out, attempted to stop or handed over the violent members. Judged equally, antifa is an outlaw organization and should be treated as such.
2 ups, 5y
This Morgan Freeman | image tagged in this morgan freeman | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
Ahhhh, no. That makes absolutely no sense, OP.

We know, based on what has happened, what we think the worst cop in America is. Sadly, there are probably some out there that are even worse than that.

As for AntiF(irst)A(mendment) members, to assume that they're all crazy SA/SD type thugs is probably not accurate. Not everyone in that organization is a foot soldier, right?
0 ups, 5y,
2 replies
Wrong, every Nazi was a Nazi, every antifa is a terrorist
1 up, 5y,
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False comparison. Leave the evil Nazis out of it. If it's so clear and obvious, you shouldn't have to go their to prove your point.
0 ups, 5y,
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No, I call it as I see it, the tactics are the same and I suspect so are their goals.
0 ups, 5y,
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Is antifa perpetrating a genocide?
0 ups, 5y
They have called for it, I was comparing them to the pre WW2 Nazi's. They will get much worse before they are crushed.
0 ups, 5y,
2 replies
That can't be right. You're saying that ANTIFA supports Trump, because domestic terrorists support Trump.
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Hey Chris, can I see your proof that "domestic terrorists support Trump"? I'll wait.
0 ups, 5y,
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0 ups, 5y,
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Hmm, so if a liberal puts on a Trump hat and screams "Heil Hitler" it means Trump himself, is supported by domestic terrorists? Interesting. So someone says something - which by the way is still protected under the First Amendment - it instantly creates a completely separate narrative that panders to brainless leftists.

If someone that says "Heil Hitler" is a "domestic terrorist" - what does Antifa and violent BLM supporters fall under? With your logic, they are a militant insurrection group that should be flagged as "shoot on sight" by police, military, and lawful weapon owners.

I don't want to be rude - but can you please take a second to pull your head out of your ass and wipe the sh*t off your face?
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Well, I'm not the one with my head inserted into an anus. You can stop projecting and gaslighting now.

Antifa is a loosely organized ideal of opposition to fascism, and fascism is something that steaming pile of trump embraces. "Violent BLM supporters" is another false narrative applied to peaceful protests in which a few trolls decide to take advantage to loot and incite violence.

What you are posting is a straw man fallacy with an overgeneralization fallacy, not a valid argument.
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
LOOOL Okay, I can't. Trump supporters don't support fascism, you dunce. That is a narrative provided to brain-less sheep like yourself - apparently that seems to work. No violent BLM supporters? Really? Okay Jerry Nadler. A quick Google search (even with their censorship) would prove that wrong. Of course there have been violent supporters!

"A few trolls" don't burn down and attack people constantly in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NY, Atlanta - among others. Take your CNN blindfold off and re-join society; your lack of intellect is showing.
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
The dunce with a lack of intellect is calling me a dunce. How original. Unlike you, I have joined society long ago. Unlike you I have a functioning, independent mind, a job, a life, a conscience, and a soul.

If 💩 supporters don't support fascism, then why are they supporting a fascist, one who meets the definition of fascism?
1. Nationalism: His "Make America Great Again" slogan, and his policies of "America uber alles" are alienating our trading partners and military allies.
2. Totalitarianism: He concentrates power by appointing yes-men and cronies in cabinet positions and the judiciary, and with sufficient people in the Senate who are complicit with his crimes, he can break the law without consequence. He already has.
3. Economic caste enforcement: He talks about bringing in jobs while preventing any sort of minimum wage adjustment for cost of living, he taxes the middle classes while giving tax breaks to the wealthy, and ensures that health care makes paupers of anyone who isn't fortunate enough to not get sick.
4. Racism/xenophobia: He's diverting money towards a useless wall which does nothing to stop illegal immigration, and only costs money for construction and maintenance. It's just one big show of force to no avail. He's also built concentration camps for refugees seeking asylum from problems in their home countries that the US created, and banned the travel of muslims from predominantly muslim nations (except for the ones which sent us terrorists). He condones the actions of white supremacist groups, as in Charlottesville, and denounces peaceful protests against unwarranted police brutality as "unpatriotic."
5. Delegitimzation of the legitimate media: Any reports which put him in a less than favorable light are denounced as "fake news," even though they present his own words and actions with video and written evidence. Bias or no bias, real journalism must contain facts, and they do present facts. Meanwhile, 💩 and his ilk accuse the opposition of that which they are guilty.

You refute your argument by stating that Google uses censorship and that I'm citing CNN. I prefer Reuters. And a few trolls do burn down and attack people constantly, they incite violence by igniting an already tense situation into total chaos. You seem to also ignore the photographic and visual evidence of police assaulting people without cause, protestors guarding property and stranded officers, and police supporting the protests in places.
0 ups, 5y,
2 replies

Look at the police assaulting those poor, innocent protestors! Such animals! Oh wait.. that is Antifa and violent BLM supporters attacking police officers. That wasn't the photographic evidence you were referring to. My fault.
0 ups, 5y Your source is questionable at best and incredibly biased. Also, the photo captions are complete BS. Projectiles? None. Fireworks? Those were gas grenades thrown by police. You have only pushed more falsehoods and proved my assessment of you correct.
0 ups, 5y
Questionable and biased you say.. interesting. Nope no projectiles.. oh wait - I highlighted some for you since apparently you are blind as sh*t.
0 ups, 5y
They should stop since he wants them arrested under terrorism charges, no trails, just a short flight to gitmo.
2 ups, 5y,
6 replies
Here is a no doubt partial and incomplete list of some of those killed by police officers -- each circumstance was different, no doubt, but together the pattern is impossible to ignore

And it goes without saying that a rogue police officer can subject citizens to all sorts of abuse falling short of actual murder

Now: the best member of Antifa?

Heck even the worst member of Antifa?

Whom have they murdered? Is there a list? Heck even one person?

Your move buddy
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Man, if you could run a quick background check on those individuals you'd probably find that maybe one or two of them were innocent victims.
1 up, 5y,
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Can you find any provisions of the Bill of Rights that allow cops to put down alleged criminals like dogs in the streets?

I can’t seem to find any, but I find several that strongly point the other way
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I do believe cops have the rightful obligation to put down "alleged criminals" like dogs when they pull weapons and assault officers. Again, very few of those individuals - if any - were completely innocent and murdered by police.

I love that mainstream media suggests cops are just straight-up shooting black people for no reason. You are all completely clueless.
1 up, 5y,
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We have found common ground today
2 ups, 5y,
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Yup, we have found common ground. High as sh*t and was resisting arrest - actual criminal turned martyr. Was he unlawfully murdered by the officer? Yes. Was he innocent? HAHAHA Not at all. If he just got in the police car as instructed he would be still alive. Along with the hundreds that have been murdered in his name.
1 up, 5y,
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Still a murder and a Constitutional violation, no matter how many drugs he had in his system or whether he resisted arrest.

He was unarmed and the photo conclusively establishes he was subdued and no longer a threat, if he ever was.
3 ups, 5y
Yup, didn't disagree that it was a murder. Regardless if he was "unarmed" doesn't make you innocent. Go watch the police body cam video that was leaked before it gets censored. They didn't just throw him on the ground and kill him.
0 ups, 5y
I bet you are dumb enough to think the riots in Portland are because that thug was put down.
0 ups, 5y
Cops can tell the terrorists from the criminals, shooting the right ones would be easy, you just need a Republican mayor first. The Democrat mayors support the terrorists.
2 ups, 5y

His name is Connor Betts. 9 dead, 17 injured.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Just saying, are we forgetting about the deaths in CHOP or whatever it was?
0 ups, 5y,
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I was told there was a shooting in CHOP/CHAZ. To me all this signifies is that CHOP/CHAZ is/was a part of America. No matter what its residents said.

Needless to say their experiment did not create a radically peaceful utopia but I would need more evidence to conclude it was more inherently deadly than the norm American city during the summertime.
1 up, 5y
Well the articles should be out there and easy to locate as to shooting which caused the deaths. It was either 2 or 4 people dead from shooting not just shootings.
I'm out tonight so not on computer but you can spot then. But for given population to murder rate, people commented on how it was the most unsafe place in America. I'm just mentioning not to forget. People will tell themselves what they want.
2 ups, 5y
Begone, paid troll.
1 up, 5y
3 ups, 5y,
3 replies
That list is crap and you know it, many were common thugs committing criminal acts and should have been put down. As far as antifa, read the news they are a domestic terror group, they have murder innocents and should be shot on site.
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
I have read the news. Reuters. Ever heard of it? Just the facts, no bias. Guess what? They refute everything you just said.
0 ups, 5y,
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I'll bet you believe there are more than two genders too
0 ups, 5y,
1 reply
There are 2 viable genetic genders. They do not always express the expected traits, as there are conditions like androgen insensitivity syndrome. Gender identity has a neurological basis in the sex-determined region of the brain. You are conflating biological gender with gender identity. Pick up a book sometime.
0 ups, 5y
If you took the bait and ran with it. I did like the reading a book idea, those are hard to find now days, bunch clowns keep burning the good ones.
1 up, 5y,
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Do you consider yourself a constitutional conservative?

See above.
3 ups, 5y,
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I consider myself a realist, protesters, criminals and terrorists are not the same things and should be treated for what they are. Terrorists conducting an attack should be shot. Clear enough for you?
0 ups, 5y
So those people waving AR-15's at government buildings should have been shot?
1 up, 5y,
3 replies
Lol antifa itself has perpetrated a whopping 0 murders since 1994. Only 21 murders since 2010 were linked to left wing violence. scary. By comparison, since 1994, 329 people were murdered by right wing extremists, 117 of them since 2010. What a liar.

Also, you're subtlety advocating for the illegal and unconstitutional murder of people without due process and probable cause. I thought right wingers cared about the constitution.
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Hey! All those murders in Chicago, NYC, Baltimore and Washington DC. You think the majority voted for Trump or Hilldawg?

Screw your cherry picking and selective data.
1 up, 5y,
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If someone murders someone else and just happens to have left wing political views, then it’s not a left wing murder. It’s only counted as a left or right wing murder if the murder was politically motivated. If you used your metric, there would be thousands of deaths on both sides. The murders in the big cities are probably gang related, not politically related.
1 up, 5y,
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I remember when that was pushed. When leftists decide who is or isn't is a 'right wing extremist' they will always err on the side of accusation. But whatever, believe what you want. We all see who is spreading political terror today and it ain't the right.
1 up, 5y,
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Political terror is spread on both sides, just one side is way more violent and lethal than the other, and it ain’t the left.
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Turn on the news, and not CNN lol
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I listen to data. And it agrees with me. Sorry!
0 ups, 5y,
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Hahaha good luck gaslighting when all anyone has to do is turn on the news, kiddo.
0 ups, 5y
Then why are you gaslighting?
3 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Save the lies, they have injured or killed innocents, business owners and officers. Antifa are terrorists and once a fire bomb has been lit, a bomb thrown or an officer attacked they should be shot, no question, no quarter.

You are openly advocating terrorism and you want to talk about due process, get a clue.
1 up, 5y,
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Antifa hasn’t killed anyone. Save the lies

Criminals deserve a fair trial and due process. Use all non lethal means necessary before shooting them. Someone shooting a laser at a police officer doesn’t deserve to be executed. Arrested, yes. Executed? No.
2 ups, 5y,
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antifa burned a building with a man inside, they have beaten shop owners to death and blinding officers with lasers is considered a deadly attack, so is tossing explosives, tossing firebombs, swinging poles, bats, throwing bricks, they are terrorists. Hypocrites like you are the reason terrorists are treated like criminals and not the targets they should be. A lot of them are facing federal charges and even more are providing comfort for horny criminals while they wait their day in court.
1 up, 5y,
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Again, criminals deserve a fair trial and due process. You can arrest them, and use all means necessary not to kill them.

Also, wtf is “horny criminals”.
2 ups, 5y,
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I was just reading where antifa thugs in federal custody where shocked that the black lives they were protesting for used them as women. Karma works. I do not dispute that criminals should get due process, I just pointed out antifa are terrorists and should be shot.
1 up, 5y,
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You can’t simultaneously say that criminals deserve due process and that all antifa members should be shot.
2 ups, 5y,
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Why are you confused? A criminal and a terrorist are not equals. What I have said is this, once a fire bomb is lit, a bomb tossed, a person (doesn't have to be an officer) assaulted, or any other violent attack is used, the gloves should come off and antifa should and could be dropped where they stand. The ones that drop their weapons and surrender would still face charges, just in gitmo.
1 up, 5y
Terrorists are still criminals. And criminals deserve due process and a fair trial. If all other means are exhausted, you can shoot, but use non lethal means first.
1 up, 5y
Part of the "process" is getting shot if you are attempting to harm someone with a deadly weapon.
0 ups, 5y
Hahahaha you my bitch little Antifa punk. In prison black p**is matters so suck it.
2 ups, 5y
Scroll up, just because you don’t care to cover leftist nuts here it is again
Change My Mind memeCaption this Meme
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The worst Police officer in America is a better role model than the best member of antifa