The main utility of social mask is to ultra-low the viral charge spread in the enviroment.
In other words, the basic mask or homemade mask, etc. not protect you from get the disease, it protects you for (if the case you where infected), spread coronavirus on the public enviroment, and infect others.
So, the mask which protect you from geting covid, is the mask that the rest of ppl wear in public and work places, except if you are using n95(or superior) + protection glasses, which real give some protection from covid- if it is in the ambient.
It's extremely easy to stop the virus if everyone uses any mask, but need to be everyone, does not work if some people wears and others not.
And that's how covid-19 has being efectively stopped in most asian countries, people are used to facial mask before pandemia, and they wear it even if it is not forced by the law because their culture of social consciusness