Hello, I'm the original co owner of the stream, my friend Zach (original stream owner) and I made this stream on 3rd grade, we're 14 now, and are going to high school in a few months, and we're both incredibly proud of how many people have joined this stream and posted, I don't think either of us expected for it to have grown to this size, having just 10 people on the stream was crazy to us back then, and then the number became 50 people, then 100, then 200, then 500, and now we're over 800, it's crazy. I tried being more active here about a year ago, and I guess one day I just forgot to log on for the last time, until now. I don't think I'll continue to be active, I likely won't have enough time with school and relationships taking up that time, but I just wanted to log on and give you all an update, I'll the to be more active but don't expect much. The stream is gonna remain up until one of the other owners who joined later decides to remove it or something, all I know for certain is that I won't be taking it down.