Every country in the EU also has universal healthcare. Not saving them either.
Your point is childish, wishful thinking and has no logic nor evidence to back it up.
Daddy government, please take care of me ...
Democrats and the media like to pretend that government's failures in this process aren't endemic to government control. They like to blame such failures on Republicans, and on President Donald Trump specifically. But that's just not the case. Human beings are fallible, stupid, gullible and self-interested. Human beings who have the power of government to back them are not less human for having that power. Their humanity just has direr consequences, which is why in nonemergency circumstances, checks and balances are absolutely necessary.
Take, for example, the early days of the pandemic. Democrats say Trump was slow to respond to the incipient threat. But so were Democrats. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently declared, "As Trump fiddles, people are dying," but in late February, she was walking the streets of Chinatown, encouraging citizens to join her. New York Mayor Bill De Blasio has ripped Trump for his supposed downplaying of the virus, but De Blasio spent a month poo-pooing its threat. When confronted about that simple fact by CNN's Jake Tapper, De Blasio conveniently suggested that stop looking backward.
Why should we trust these people, exactly?
And why would you trust them with your healthcare? They're blithering idiots on both sides of the aisle yet you propose putting them fully in charge of your life and health?