Lackluster response? Maybe you live on planet MSNBCNN, or are still reading the Mueller Report novel. This has nothing to do with a 'way out'; that doesn't even make sense (and do you really think the 'Media' will EVER give Trump a 'way out' on anything? -- that's laughable).
** As for the statistics, it's fairly simple (and it's not 'mad speculation'): the confounding principle in-play is called 'sampling bias'. Whatever the reason for the testing protocol (lack of tests; priority of testing; etc.), most of the people being tested are those who have ALREADY presented with symptoms, or have become outright very ill from coronavirus. However, people who would otherwise test positive, but are never tested (because they don't get sick, or only very mildly), cannot be counted into the total 'number of cases'. This is the 'sampling bias' and it heavily skews-up any calculated 'death rate', if one only uses that inconclusive 'number of cases'.... Now, if you want to come up with a number that could be considered more actual, you could take the number of deaths attributed to coronavirus, and divide that by the number of persons living in the U.S.... YES, that would not be the same as if using only the actual number of real cases (which is currently unknown), and would skew-down the death rate -- however in terms of the total population (as defined), it would be correct (because we can be more sure about the total population number).
KC, PharmD RPh (Doctor of Pharmacy, Registered Pharmacist)
Could this get worse, or a lot worse? Yes, it's possible. But it could also get a lot better.
It does appear that there are many people almost hoping that it gets worse...
OH, the rest of what you wrote is rather outlandish. It's funny how you hypothesize extremely ridiculous stuff like 'Trump thinning the herd at Putin's direction', etc. (sheesh, the DNC/'Media' must be laughing up their sleeves at how they've been able to push this tripe).
Well, if all that were possible, then WHY couldn't the 'Media' be at least manipulating some numbers? They don't even have to 'invent' numbers to manipulate them.
As for numbers 'around the globe', I would be leery about trusting Communist China Govt. numbers.
Book recommendation (a quick read): "How To Lie With Statistics"
Media, businesses, and politicians have used the clever, but simple principals written in this book for hundreds of years.