How convenient for you to have the word conception. What on earth would you do without it? You'd be guilty of killing so many babies with all those condoms, pills, pulling out, watching the cycle of the month, the list is endless.
It's all the same thing without the word conception."
Egg-cellent point, and one I was hoping to get to.
As if the Good Book made a distinction between zygotes and gametes.
I might have missed the verse about only fertilized ovum lives matters, but last I checked, it most definitely distinctly and wholeheartedly condemns the act of a man "spilling his seed on the ground," which would thus include but not necessarily be exclusive to your list of condoms, pills, pulling out, watching the cycle of the month, as well as masturbation, utilizing other orifices and body parts, and if none of the above are done, nocturnal emissions will occur which is also a violation of the admonishment. Basic damned do/don't.
So for all these devout fundamentalists, the solution is simple: males should all get married before they have their first wet dream and then engage in coitus solely for the purpose of reproducing. There's a few sperm cells in preseminal fluid, so foreplay and even kissing are out. As for the rest of the millions of sperm who lost the race to the egg, I reckon he'll have to settle for corrective lenses to compensate for his ever-faltering sight.
Saving lives (and eyes) can be so trying, but the rewards await.