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a10thndrblt (32628)
Joined 2019-12-05
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Am I the only one who thinks this is totally nuts? in ItsACatholicThing
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I heard that they sprinkle ashes everywhere else in the world besides the US. It is a relief to hear that it's not sacrilegious like some of the new things they've tried, but like you said, it's their motive that bothers me. God bless you too
Do you prefer the TLM or the NO? in ItsACatholicThing
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It's only been a few months for me and I already can barely imagine going anywhere else. I've definitely noticed I pay closer attention too. Following along in a missal really helps me focus as well. The only time my mind even really has the opportunity to wonder anymore is during the homily, but my new priest is much more fiery and engaging than my old one so it's not a problem. I like your car analogy. I have a St. Andrew Missal with the Latin on one side and the English on the other, so it's really easy to follow along with. Another thing that bothered me about the NO that I didn't really know the extent of until after I switched to the TLM was how much they changed the wording to prayers. I remember a few years ago when they came out with the third edition to the Roman missal, and they told us that the one before that wasn't as accurate and was translated in a hurry, and the new one was more thorough and accurate. Come to find out, the "new translation that they were working on" was just reverting back to the much more accurate original. It wasn't new. They had just tried to modernize the prayers, and some of the changes they made really didn't sit well with me. Thankfully they changed many of the prayers back closer to the originals. I had assumed things like "And with your spirit" was new and more accurate, but when I looked in my Latin missal for the first time, I saw that it had always been translated that way before Vatican II. "And also with you" was a less accurate modernization. Another example is saying "shed for you and for all" instead of the proper "shed for you and for many." That one bothered me particularly because they had known the correct translation all along. "All" is totally different than "many," not just a slightly modernized synonym. I still go to NO's when I have to as well, and some are definitely better than others. The problem with so many of them is that they try to appeal to what's popular in the culture at the moment, but they'll always be one step behind because what's popular is always changing. What makes the traditions of the Church so beautiful is in part the fact that they don't change despite everything around them changing
Am I the only one who thinks this is totally nuts? in ItsACatholicThing
0 ups, 4y
I heard about it and thought it was totally ridiculous

First it was water gun baptisms, then latex gloves to distribute Communion, then q-tips for Chrism at confirmations, then literal mechanical dispensers for Communion, and now this.

These people are so afraid of earthly things they've completely forgotten the supernatural
Do you prefer the TLM or the NO? in ItsACatholicThing
2 ups, 4y
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
TLM all the way. This is the archbishop who was in charge of the committee creating the NO. The Catholic liturgy shouldn't be based off of what Protestants find acceptable.

I went to a NO parish my whole life up until a few months ago. When they reopened after the covid lockdowns, they starting doing things that pushed me over the edge. They gave us handouts basically implying that we're all racist, and what really sealed the deal was when they played a video of heretic Jimmy Martin lecturing us about our carbon footprints.

I'd been considering the TLM for a few months prior to that, and after having time during lockdown to watch a good deal of Church Militant, Dr. Taylor Marshall, and a few others, I decided to start receiving on the tongue. I had no idea before then how many abuses there are in the average NO. I was extremely lucky to find a TLM only 5 minutes farther away than my old church. So much more reverent: the music, the altar rails, everything.

I know a lot of people like having Masses said in the vernacular, but when they're all in the same language everywhere, anyone from anywhere can bring their missal, follow along, and know exactly what's going on