We are at an interesting point in time. Technology has made it so that the jobs required to support society are far fewer than the people who need jobs. How to solve this issue would be complex. Obviously some people still need to work to support society, but there must an incentive to do so (Which is why pure socialism can not work). There must be a difference in the lifestyle between those who contribute to society, and those who don't. But this wealth gap infuriates the left. The goal should not be income equality, but that those that contribute nothing have their basic needs (and only their basic needs) met. This would by definition be uncomfortable, but livable. Those that contribute little (i.e. unskilled service workers) still need to be doing better than those that contribute nothing. Otherwise there is no incentive to even contribute a little. This is the biggest problem with our current welfare system. When you make just enough to cover the needs that government was paying for, they cut you off, leaving you working for the exact same lifestyle you had without working. I'm not claiming to have a solution for this, just contemplating the problem.