I would have to know what conditions the $ was being offered under. Strings are always attached. That's the problem with getting greedy;sometimes when reaching for more,you lose hold of what you already have.
If your current girlfriend or spouse find out you're looking over the fence(or worse yet,have strayed)- the consequences can be ugly.
Even if she doesn't discover it,it may be revealed by unforeseen consequences-condoms break(I hope that even political conservatives recognize that prayer & withdrawal are NOT effective birth control methods!) When barriers break,lifelong responsibility is one possibility, but not the worst. That would be HIV Or Hep C.Even ZIKA can be transmitted as an STD.
Much like allowing an oil company to frack your land for a few extra dollars,only to discover later that the wells are now poisoned with fracking solvents, we often find ourselves regretting things we do on impulse, and without carefully research.