I can get behind your sentiment 90%. The right is more than fairly hypocritical most of the time (and I'm a conservative). An attempt isn't really what matters. Results are what matters. An attempt to replace the brakes on your car or an attempt to remove a brain tumor just doesn't cut it. What matters are tangible results resulting from a realistic approach that makes sense for everyone involved.
I think Patrick Moore said it best, "Imagine no fuel for cars, trucks, tractors, combines, harvesters, power-plants, ships, aircraft, etc. Transport of people & goods would grind to a halt."
We can't suddenly stop everything we're currently doing but we can begin to place emphasis on cleaning up our crap, attempting to make less of it to have to clean up in the future, and seeking out ways to generate energy without producing crap.
The issue will be China, India, Africa, and other emerging economies that want success without having to worry about environmental issues. We can't control that and when we have one billion Indians, 2 billion Chinese, and one billion Africans wanting to live like the US, the amount of pollution we created over our last 120 years will be just a drop in the bucket.
The solution isn't cold turkey like some freshmen in Congress think. It will be a long process. A very, very long process. More than that mythical 12 years.