" But they did what they did right under the noses of their citizenry and you really expect the world to believe you weren't okay with it"
As a matter of fact, yes. Anti-Jewish sentiments were high at the time and Hitler exploited that and used them to increase his popularity, and that of his party, in the Wiemar Republic. Once he had become the supreme dictator of Germany and began deporting Jews people were fed state sponsored propaganda which stated that the Jews were being 'resettled' or sent to 'Konzertlager' a place for, what the German Propaganda Machine at the time described as, for those who would harm the good of society. And the German people ever so blinded by their trust of one man and their hate of Jews belived his lies. Though not without skeptisism. So No, Reichgermans didn't REALLY know about the Konzentrationslager. End of discussion.
That time has fortunately passed and Germany of today is nothing like it was before 1945.
"You grow a pair, lad."
I already did. Its time you did so.
" You claim that german forces would help the US if we ever needed it, yet also claim it's not germany's fault they didn't do more in afghanistan, how were they supposed to send more men overseas without the military infrastructure?"
I have already had this discussion before and seeing as you are referencing it you must have read it, so I will not bother repeating myself.
"You stick your nose into an abortion debate with a bs argument and when confronted with evidence retreat into "i don't care"."
My Argument Consists of Rape also Causes unwanted pregnancy. I did not ever state that it constitutes the majority of unwanted pregnancies. When I say I don't care about abortion, I mean I couldn't give a lesser f**k if its illegal or not so long as an exception is made for the Thousands of rape victims and they are given the option. If my position on this isn't clear, it should be now.
"Grow a pair, because you've got nothing down there now. No accountability, no responsibility, no SPINE."
Yeah, sure. Germany hasn't been Europe's de-facto Economic and de-facto Political leader for the last decade. No sir. not at all. And thats rich coming from someone who thinks half of Americas woes would be solved by building a Wall. You seem to, like Hitler, push all the blame on minorities and would probably deport or even kill them (Looks at various Neo-Nazi groups and KKK) them if they weren't protected by American law!