I wouldn't know the first thing about this sorta crap, since I don't even live in yer 'mighty' fine country with more problems than Luxemburg has people. (No, I am not Luxamburgian)
You call me sheep, while you blindly sit like a dog infront of a door waiting for either Donald Trump to finally drop his silly demands, or for the Democrats to end the suffering he is causing, by giving in and giving hundreds of thousands of people their money and their livlihoods back. All the while you blame the Democrats for it when in reality Trump had two years to get the Wall funding and still failed. Its not only Democrats but also Republicans who see that a Wall as Donald Duck here describes it would be useless and an unnecessary drain on the economy.
Technically the wheel is not a Medieval technology. Even if, it still proves useful today. A wall in the other hand has no place in the modern world and is a, as previously stated, outdated concept that would serve no good. YOUR point is moot.
Besides that ever heard about the famous German tactic of going around large obstacles. The french too had a wall, made of Gun emplacments and the such, during world war two. And what did it bring them? Nothing.