Because you never heard of the Incas, Axtecs, the Iroquois Confederacy, Mississipians? And let's not forget the Powhatan Confederacy - you know, the ones who kept Jamestown alive because the dingbats forgot to bring farmers with them?
Previous attempts at settlements ended with colonists starving to death, waiting for the next ship to arrive with provisions come spring. Even with that ASSISTANCE from the natives, mortality rates were high.
60% of the food the world eats every day originated in the Americas. The potato alone, once dismissed, even reviled as the fruit of the Devil, caused a population boom after it was introduced to Northern Europe. Who knows what they ate before, sheep and their turds? Two strains of potato, one disease to afflict them, and Ireland starved.
There was land for the taking here, all you had to do is kill those on it, so that wasn't a problem once the settlers learned how to grow (mostly) native crops and find out that our rivers weren't gushing with human waste, so the fish can be eaten also. Took a while to get used to drinking it and bathing in it though. But that's what beer and hard cider was for. The colonists were basically perpetually drunk. They stank really bad because they though water was P-O-I-S-O-N-O-U-S! Those lovely wigs the Founding Fathers wore? That was to cover the nests of lice atop their heads. They made Trump's whatever look nice in comparison.
The problem with the growing settlements wasn't work (although there was publicly funded assistance for the impoverished in accordance to English Poor Laws), it was the availability of laborers to do it. Convicts (this was a penal colony after all, hence the American propensity for violence - part of their lasting legacy, BANG! BANG!), indentured servants, then slaves were brought here to help profiteers make their money. Later, of course, were other immigrants, who today do everything from jobs we won't dirty our polished fingernails on to 70% of small busines startups to most people doing OUR research and development in science, medicine, and tech.
Oh, and before you go on the expected, "The Iroquois were on level with good ol' jolly Medievel England? Orly?" the Spanish documented that Tenochititlan, Mexica, was the most beautiful, well organized city they had ever seen on Earth, and they traveled the planet.
Have a Happy Turkey Day.