Tantrum time? Mommy's not here to kiss your ego boo-boo, but you clearly need some time in the cry-room. You clearly don't have what it takes to troll Coyote little goblin wanna-be. You have failed miserably to make even the first cut in your try-out to our farm league. Buh-bye. Mwaah.
Uh-yup! Gotta stop them damn ferinners before they genn-o-cide all over the kind, generous white folks just trying to build their little wall of peace and transkwilitea-party to make Merica one big great safe space once more.
You're getting more ridiculous with each response. Sigh. Looks very much like you are indeed one of those I'm trolling with the meme, but hilariously, you can't figure out what you're being trolled over. Why? Because you were so quick to rush in defending your precious little libtard/conservatard political party binary you when you thought it might be attacked (and you've stayed triggered ever since) that you completely missed the point. Sorry, the only snowflake here is you. Now go back to Reddit and get redpilled some more before your last two braincells stop playing Pong.
Really? Aww, sorry cuck. I really thought you had your big girl panties on when you responded to the meme. Ssshhh ssshhh, it's going to be alright. Just curl up and hide in your little incel cry room until you're ready to come back out and play with the real people. Don't worry, we'll still be here laughing at you. Promise.