Upvotes, comments, views - that's how memes make it to the Front Page here. Memers have no one to blame but themselves. Fadists, sycophants, and people congragating on memes where their friends are, just like anything in life.
Also like anything in life, you throw people a pile of plain crackers to eat, they gobble it up, no complaints. You go out of their way to please them with a four star three course meal for free, and the unappreciative asswipes opt to b!tching for more instead of showing a little gratitude. Boo hoo, not every single Dear Diary Facebook Status meme self indulgent centers of the universe post or the stolen memes they pretend are their very own original genius works of art make it.
THAT'S the problem with this site, it's too good to people. Bite the hands that bleeds, when they should just get scrotums shoved in their mouths to shut up and swallow like thye would get anywhere else.