It doesn't need to. He was 52 when he married a 6-year-old child. That's well documented, and not disputed. It's the child telling the tale. She was 6. What age you think Mo‘ was, a beardy 5?
The site never really worked, but now it is worse than ever. Originality is punished at every turn. And then factor in making an outstanding political meme, and 90% of people don't see it. Ok, you don't like politics? Not someone to read the news? FIne- what have you against gaming? So, you make an original and outstanding meme which makes an oblique reference to a video game, and submit it, but it's rejected in fun. Ok, submit it in gaming... makes front page for a week, gets 4 views and 1 upvote. This site is such a bag o' shite, but they actually managed to make it worse.