See...There's your excuse to exonerate any wrong doing from Crooked Hillary.
Hillary was responsible for safeguarding a American ambassador, She failed and 4 Americans died, But no biggie, She dindu nuffin wrong, No proof she failed her job besides the 4 dead bodies paraded by terrorists on every major news network,
Hillary created a private server, No biggie, she didn't know it was illegal. She never sent or received any classified information, But had no Gubment E-mail, So she communicated with smoke signals And carrier pigeons. Hillary ignores the subpoena destroys evidence, And liberals once again claim she dindu nuffin wrong, No charges were brought due to destroyed evidence. Everyone does that right?, Nuffin to see here either.
Uranium one is still being investigated, Hillary's e-mail investigation may be re-opened. But it's just another alt right witch hunt, Hillary dindu nuffin. You want me to provide links you'll ignore saying Faux News, Alex Jones etc... It works the same way with your links from Vox, Salon The NY Slimes etc.. You believe Trump colluded, With zero proof other than what your leftist sites tell you, I'll believe Crooked Hillary lost the election. One of us is right!.