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"triggered liberal" Memes & GIFs

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apparently this is true… according to youtube

apparently this is true… according to youtube | DISCORD MODS WHEN YOU STATE AN OPINION:; THE SAME MODS WHEN THEY REALIZE YOU’RE A GIRL: | image tagged in triggered liberal,black guy hiding behind tree,discord,discord moderator,twitter,youtube | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
17,429 views, 449 upvotes, 73 comments

Excuse me?

Excuse me? | Feminists when It's "sportsmanship" and not "sportswomanship" | image tagged in triggered liberal,angry feminist,feminist,triggered feminist,triggered,omg karen | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
7,943 views, 43 upvotes

Some really think like this. Do you?

Some really think like this. Do you?  | IF YOU OUTLAW ABORTIONS; THEY WILL JUST HAPPEN ILLEGALLY! IF WE OUTLAW GUNS; WE WILL ALL BE SAFE FROM GUN CRIME! | image tagged in triggered feminist,triggered liberal,abortion,gun control,leftists,memes | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
51,219 views, 318 upvotes, 270 comments

Yep! :)

Yep! :) | MAN; MANHATTAN? | image tagged in triggered liberal,memes,manhattan | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
33,097 views, 242 upvotes, 45 comments

Triggered Liberal

Triggered Liberal | IT'S NOT 'BLACK FRIDAY'; IT'S 'COLOUR NEUTRAL FRIDAY' | image tagged in triggered liberal | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2,723 views, 5 upvotes

this is offensive

13,941 views, 42 upvotes, 7 comments

Liberals, so open-minded, their brains fell out

17,369 views, 194 upvotes, 98 comments

there's 46 Chromosomes

20,528 views, 216 upvotes, 75 comments

Just gonna put this one out there . . .

20,526 views, 204 upvotes, 80 comments

Future headline on CNN...

15,234 views, 175 upvotes, 26 comments


13,057 views, 38 upvotes, 8 comments

Can't do anything these days without upsetting someone

by anonymous
9,845 views, 159 upvotes, 46 comments

Never get the wrong number.

3,727 views, 23 upvotes, 4 comments

You have to earn it

6,688 views, 154 upvotes, 35 comments
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