I get you don't get 'fake MSM,' but you do get tha reel newz straight from the horsie's twittering anus?
"YOU'RE FIRED" to everyone that opposes him, or threats to do so.
Obstruction of justice.
Claiming his position grants him immunity from being prosecuted for the very crimes he claims he didn't commit of which his lawyers are looking into how to pardon his co-conspirators in said supposedly non-existing crimes.
Attempts at rule by decree (executive orders like they were confetti, moves to tear up existing law and treaties, circumventing the Constitutional legislative process, etc)
Trying to coerce members of the UN by saying he'll withhold aid if they don't vote his way.
Basically gutting the way the Goverment of the USA works and setting himself up as absolute ruler.
60s is young? HIS base is the least educated, low brow, and most reactionary jingoistic elements of the right wing. Goodness, need I remind you who called him, "a moron" and who called him "an imbecile"?
Granted, those captains of industry cranking that monkey organ have more brains to them, which is why as of February that 1% just got millions of extra $s to put in their pockets. But that's cool, because as long as we have rednecks willing to foot tha bill with their welfare checks - oh, wait, they won't.
Did you know down South, on account of the repairs still being made because of the Northern War of Aggression, not only do the masses of unemployed former slave owners and moonshiners receive welfare and SSI galore and EBT, they get rental vouchers, cars, and who knows what other sorts of goodies.
We have nearly 63,000 homeless, including over 15,000 families with almost 24,000 kids. And I assure you, ain't any of them getting any of that because they are not offered in the most important city and economic engine the world has ever owned.
Oh, btw, in terms of your "But they hate Trump/love Hillary" query, bear in mind that it is also the most diverse city in every which way ever. Corner of 187th and Hoffman, there's Mergimtari, an Albanian/Yugoslav grocery store on one corner, a Chinese restaurant on the next corner, a South American grocery store next to that, a Mexican one across the street, a Yemini owned deli on that corner, and at the former site of Amici's, where Joe Pesci as dicovered, Nebraska Steakhouse. 90% of THOSE people, AKA, Earth voted against Trump. And now WE have to foot the bill so the 'Red States' won't starve.