Pipe_Picasso is often mistaken as me being a pot smoker, which is understandable. My name was given to me by a coworker. I'm an electrician, I'm very skilled at running conduit (pipe). My coworker gave me the name over 25 years ago. I liked it, and kept it. It is one of a kind.:)
That one looks tricky. Each pipe must have been designated to go to a certain circuit. Otherwise they would have "fanned" them out from closest to furthest.
That's nice. Looks like they were having fun. If I had my old phone, I would show some of my good stuff. I also have a secret tool that I use for multiple pipe runs. Been off and on about making them to sell.
Haha cute selfie. Still trying to decide if Imma do a million point reveal. But if the trolls keep downvoting me I guess I won't have to worry about it lol
Phantasm: an apparition or specter. A creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy.
It's hard to pin down one image so here's one from a rhyme meme thread with thanks to btbeeston. ;-)