They ran some kind of nuclear dye into my veins then I had to sit for 45 minutes then they watched my heart for 15 minutes under some kind of camera LOL. Then they took me to another room put another dye in the IV that made my heart feel like it was working really hard (Makes you get short of breath and dizzy but it only last for 3 minutes) then they take more pictures and reinjected me with a dye. Then I waited 45 more minutes and they watched me under cameras for another 10 minutes. I am not sure what my abnormalities were, but my regular PC told me today the heart doctor would probably do a heart cath, to check for blockages. If any blockages are found they will place stints on the spot. UGH!!! It's crazy to think my heart could be bad. I try to live a pretty healthy lifestyle. Apparently heart disease can affect anyone.