Um yeah, so that's a no. GOP policies don't "harm" women in any meaningful way.
Sure it makes sense. It's a perfectly acceptable and normal standard of privacy and modesty not to be seen in various states of undress by members of the opposite sex (or vice versa). If a man decides he feels more comfortable in the ladies room because he identifies as a woman, that's all well and good for him if he were the only person in the universe. But the fact remains that all the other people using the facility have a reasonable expectation of privacy too. Why should one person's desire to use the bathroom opposite their actual sex trump everyone else's right to privacy from the opposite sex?
This is all based on the utterly foolish idea that merely by "identifying" as a thing (member of the opposite sex) a person, to borrow Bruce Jenner's words, "is for all intents and purposes..." that thing. That may be the case for some people's subjective perspective, but it has no bearing on the reality of the situation.