🔘 Fundamentalism was born in America out of the effort to silence the teaching of evolution in schools.
🔘 Today that same proof that missing link throwbacks walk among us are trying to ban everything from Harry Potter to the Wizard of Oz everywhere from public schools to public libraries and the public sphere because of witches. Yes folks, the Wicked Witch of the West is a major detriment to society with potential cascading effects of unforseen magnitude. Git yer gunz and hide yer midgets.
🔘 Unlike the Far Right movements that the embarrassingly stupid numbskulls on this thread call Far Left, once active and rising actual Far Left movements in the US from Anarchists to Communists (and Unions soon also) have been virtually stamped out.
🔘 The actions Conservatives in the 1960s took against Civil Rights groups, marches, and activities ranged from utilizing bans, National Guard, small town Sheriffs, KKK counter marches, lynchings, riots, and of course, the old standby, assassination.
🔘 Many States are not allowing GOP primaries for 2020, in order to silence any Republicans that might run against Dear Leader.
🔘 The GOP routinely takes legal action to keep Libetarian Presidential candidates off state ballots because they see them as competition for the same voter base.
🔘 Conservatives have sought to confine, eliminate and ban everything from Rock n Rollers to Beatnicks to Hippies to Black Panthers, AIM, FALN, Mexican Brown Berets, to Yippies to Punks to B-Boys to Marilyn Manson.
🔘 Charles Manson (and other prisoners of his ilk) was banned from interviews in his later years.
🔘 Kent State
🔘 Westboro
🔘 Movies, tv, and other media are censored because of conservative go***mned c**k s**cking c**t f**king b**ches.
🔘 Trump has called for the pulling of FCC licences of stations which hurt his delicate orange snowflake feelz.
🔘 Speaking of le Devil, concave chest pounding Alt Right beta cucks want to add a "©️" to "snowflake" because they 'think' (for lack of a better word to describe scripted groupthink) that they - get this - inventededed the word - I swear!
'scuse any typos, I have a massive headache to add to today's trip to the dentist's after effects.