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inflo (44704)
Joined 2019-01-30
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How the rest of the World sees the USA now. in politics
1 up, 5mo
No you just live in an echo chamber.
The End is Near in politics
4 ups, 5mo
cry more
Congratulations, USA in politics
3 ups, 5mo
"FaShIsT" ..... let the copium begin!
Because nothing is EVER a racist fascist's fault. in politics
0 ups, 4y
The KKK was formed by the dixiecrat democrats in the south. ANTIFA are just lefty kooks like yourself trying to burn shit down in liberal cities.
Because nothing is EVER a racist fascist's fault. in politics
0 ups, 4y
Typical, you cant argue your own argument so you bring up something else after hurling insults. Yeah I am SURE you debunked the fraud. Are you related Ruby Freeman?