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inflo (44348)
Joined 2019-01-30
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Because nothing is EVER a racist fascist's fault. in politics
0 ups, 3y
The KKK was formed by the dixiecrat democrats in the south. ANTIFA are just lefty kooks like yourself trying to burn shit down in liberal cities.
Because nothing is EVER a racist fascist's fault. in politics
0 ups, 3y
Typical, you cant argue your own argument so you bring up something else after hurling insults. Yeah I am SURE you debunked the fraud. Are you related Ruby Freeman?
bye bye in fun
0 ups, 3y
visual snow!
Politics and stuff in politics
0 ups, 3y
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. Byrne was involved in the interception of these ballots that ended up in industrial shredders. Your comment illustrates that you are a sycophant traitor living in denial. Your condition is a threat to our republic. You people are just lying to yourselves at this point because you spent 4 years clamoring to a false narrative that went NO where after spending millions on investigations of a duly elected president. This has nothing to do with party lines either. Byrne is neither republican or DEM.
Hundreds of Millions for Corporations - Why, No $2,000 Checks for Americans? in politics
1 up, 3y
Trump's tax plan? Bernie is so funny. $2,000 was Trump's idea! and he also got burned on the NDAA!!! All the chicken hawks in Congress didnt want a stand alone bill for stimulus... They ALL voted for it! They all were fine with you and I getting 600 bucks until Trump went on TV telling everyone about it.