Having talked to many, I believe some actually might. People have completely rewritten history to include "gender theory" so that it looks like it's a universal truth that has only been silenced by the existence of religion, which they intend to destroy. However, the reality is that a lot of it was invented by a combination of Marxist-Freudian ideologies merged with the goals of wiping out religion and ushering in Marxism. And while they didn't take down America yet, they've influenced the world enough to become a threat in the future once again, if we as a culture are not careful. It's good people like Diddy got exposed this year because if that got uncovered after 10 more years of progressive extrapolation, I'm not sure how much of the culture would have even found it problematic. I mean, was it a decade ago when Barbara Streisand said she believed Michael Jackson was guilty of assaulting kids but it was okay because men needed to fulfill their "needs"? And that was several years ago.