Oh no, don't get me started.
Not much lately due to the decline in site membership, but since the Covid Lockdown years we've had waves of attacks from self-described 'Crusaders' raiding such streams, spamming silly threats and lame insults, flagging a bunch, reporting them to HQ.
Basic bunch of prepubescent school kids with nothing better to do while in school.
Problem with them was, their streams and cliques kept collapsing because it kept turning out that quite a few of them were actually using the raids as excuses to find and share links with each other instead of reporting them. "Hey, guize, look at this yucky one, and this one, ewwwww!"
So infighting would ensue between them, members got booted, and others would move on to a new Crusaders stream and start anew only for the exact same thing to happen again.
Turns out the problem with being a prepubescent child with a case of the cooties from looking at naughty bits is that eventually they reach puberty and suddenly what was once icky isn't anymore.