Good meme! What the simps on the left and the media (sorry for the redundancy since there's no real distinction there...) cannot comprehend, in spite of four years of Trump 1.0 and the man himself telling them what he will do in Trump 2.0 (and doing it),is that Trump is getting exactly what he wants in these negotiations. He wants: 1. peace, 2, Europe to pay for more of the cost of defending Ukraine, 3. no US boots on the ground.
And what is Europe doing? They're offering to pony up more $$ and equipment, AND France and the UK are offering to send their soldiers as peace keepers. In other words, for the US it's win/win/win. But the simps still complain, because of... Trrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmppppppppp!!!
Just another example of them putting their TDS ahead of what's best for the country.