This begins to bore me a lot though?
You claimed to be a mod - nay, owner - there,
and you claimed to have made me a mod there.
Both of both of those claims are simply false, regardless many times you repeat or make adjustments to them.
Goodness, Moonie, what obscure dormant profile that I might have interacted with once or twice years ago are you going to pretend you can emulate next to try to buddy up with me?
Sad, as it would have been cool to have the real RedBarron1 back.
Next time, perhaps trying to get a wider scope of interactions as opposed to a few comments or what specific period or something oblivious to the fact that the Dynamics my head changed over time. Well before RedBarron1 departed, we were no longer clashing, and he very well knew what account replaced this account when it went dormant. He was not buddies with one and enemies with the other. He was fully aware of the overlap. He also remembered what job he said he had, which, you forgot to list.
Good grief, people normally hack INTO accounts, not hack others out of them only to have the owner of said account not realize they he had been locked out of thier own account for the next 4 years.