This is the end result of chronic Dem Party soft on crime policies and the Dem Party voters KNOW it; and yet still they keep voting for toxic Dem Party politicians and their collectively insane policies.
I agree 'V', It's the stupid in combination with the self-centered. The 'gimmie that' crowd will always sell this nation down the river just for the possibility of getting something for free -- at the taxpayer's expense, that is.
One shot a guy in the back then pissed his pants when caught, the other guy stopped a lunatic that was screaming " I am gonna kill someone and I don't care if I die tonight" - kinda weak putting those two in the same picture. Penny is a Hero, the world is a safer place thanks to him. I hope more people follow his lead and stop the scum from hurting people. Stay armed - Stay safe out there.
Penny is a murderer, not a hero. The fact that anybody would regard him as the latter is exactly what puts him in the same category as that other murderer, Mangione.
In fact, can't help but wonder if Penny's exactly what inspired a certain somebody else to set somebody else who was homeless on fire and murder them.
He is a hero, He stopped an active lunatic from attacking people. The left wing coward didn't even have the balls to call the dudes name and let him see who ended his life. Shot in the back is the most worthless thing a human being could do to another. That is ridiculous comparison, You won't even say the dudes name because he was an illegal and he should not have been in the country in the first place. ;D
He stopped a panhandler from becoming overly obnoxious.
Luigi came from an established rich Republican family. Oh, and he had guns as per Reich Wing - not that that makes him standard issue RWNJ (< that was sarcasm there).
But, yeah, whatever plays into ye olde faux LeftRightLeftRight paradigm and that somehow one club or the other codes whether a murder is right or wrong.
Keep fanging the flames, I'm sure they might singe the dickens out of somebody's cuticles or something like that/
No the difference here is the idea of self defense. The " overly obnoxious panhandler" was threatening people's lives, there were women and disabled people on that car. That is why Penny is free and whats his name is charged with murder 1.
No he wasn't, and he was not attacking Penny.
That was not self defense, and if it the roads were reversed, so would have the trial verdict been reversed.
Note that some of these states have smaller populations than just New York City - not New York State, just New York City alone - and yet have more murders. Others that are smaller still, still far exceed the NYC homicide per capita rate.
Also notice that the highest rate of murders is in the South.
Where do you live and how old are you that you've never heard of the Bronx? You know, the place that was the worst place on Planet Earth in history ever? The place that folks have to check their soggy pants in at the door upon entering?
Are you talking about that neighborhood in Chicago where 1 of the 12 Social Security offices is the only place in the United States of America that is combined with the city's Welfare office?
You forget that I've already known where you live for how many years now, five?
Don't get testy because you are posting idiotic comparisons between Penny and that left wing coward and I called you out on it. I don't want you to go and cancel your account like so many of your buddies have . Take a deep breath and calm down -its a friendly discussion.
yup, the user couple comments up is trying to say Penny is as bad as that left winger that shot the CEO, see, to the left minded, being a victim is the only way to be moral. But I'd rather end a criminals life then be slightly injured by one.
And like Goetz, Zimmerman, Rittenhouse etc. once you do, they'll drag you through 'the system' as an example to scare others from DEFENDING themselves.
2024 was a major blow to the left wing and their leaders, This new era is going to be a Dawn of common sense and we are going to see the left whither away like vampires in the sunlight.
“Subways are Safer”; ________; The Problem? DEMOCRATS & LAX
Convoluted Policies on Criminals!