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Xenonailing (218957)
Joined 2024-04-28
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We can do anything and get through anything with Jesus - Phil 4:11-13 in Christian-clean-meme
0 ups, 4h
Jesus can play any sport humans can play, and do any task humans can do. Jesus is also able to do amazing things in Heaven that we can't even imagine.
Happy Birthday in you-had-one-job
1 up, 4h
Was.this cake the work of one or the many?
Chess cheating? in you-had-one-job
1 up, 4h
If you were playing cards or Scrabble, this would be cheating. But if you were playing chess, this would be pointless.
Oera Dishouse in fun
0 ups, 4h
Clever comparison.
He took it literally in fun
0 ups, 4h
Nice joke on your part.