I don't celebrate women who make difficult decisions in their life, but those decisions can at the least be between a closed door and a doctor. This way society doesn't have to deal with the burden of unfit mothers, and housing women who terminate babies after full term birth outside of hospitals. If you are unaware of the hidden underground world away from your cushy comfy wholesome views of society, my suggestion is take a challenge for your self and go out there and live among the homeless for 3 months. Check into a homeless shelter. Get aquatinted with the women who live in them and roam the streets. Depending on where you go, their might not be a shelter option. Find out how many drugs are on the street, and where they are coming from. Find a homeless family with children, then find a woman who is homeless and pregnant, get her story, see if abortion crossed her mind. Go talk to a obgyn with your wife or daughter, ask them what their stance and beliefs are on abortion. Visit the birthing floor of a hospital, watch the miracles, and sadness that comes with that unit. Go volunteer at a the baby box in Korea, or find a baby box center in Texas. I have no political affiliate, but I sure as hell can see the big picture and understand the situation. I would rather be seen as a humanitarian that lets you and others live the way they want without hindrance from above, and privacy with autonomy. I wish that for you.