I think it does, if they are paying for it with their taxes.
Try taxing Muslims on Ham, and then force their kids to eat it @ school lunch.
(or ANY taxes for that matter)
1) It isn't a human right to murder your unborn child.
2) Since it is not a human right, the Constitution does not protect it.
3) The fact you people keep whining about not being able to murder your child at will, shows you know nothing about the reality. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of sending the "rights" back to the states where it belongs and for the people of each state to either vote for it or against it.
4) Women murdering their unborn children does affect me and it affects everyone, even if we aren't doing it ourselves. Sitting by and not fighting for the unborn children affects every one of us in the end.
You can start with lowering human moral standards. Also, that child could grow up to be a productive citizen and may even become a scientist and may find the cure to fatal illness. And the list goes on...
"Bitch" you are prejudice, I idc about abortion, I hope you get one anytime you want on your dime, Just pointing out the fact that you are wrong. Women want men to keep out of womens rights, fine, this also means our wallets too.