According to MAGAlogic it does.
A school shooter lives north of the Mason-Dixon LIne, and they claim he's a Democrat despite being in Middle School, too young to vote, let alone be a member of a political party.
Swastikas, Confederate flag, and Alt Reich Manifesto adorn his wall? Well Hitler was a communist, don'tchaknow. That's why he started World War II against them and aided Franco against them as well.
What, he was a Longhair and listened to Norwegian Black Metal? That means he's gender fluid! - according to them anyways.
Luigi played with different politics, he wasn't part of this St Petersburg faux L vs R paradigm that the shills keep telling real Americans they are an either or in.
But he was a participant in online Alt Reich groups, was against progress, progress in science, cultural changes in in America, yadda yadda,,,