So everyone knows that Biden’s DOJ framed Hunter by making him snort coke and put it into a gun application, take jobs that he was unqualified for except his last name, and not pay his taxes.
Why you care about Biden lying and give dementia donnie a pass=CULT. No what you are saying is fake news, from the lame stream media, its a hoax. rigged.
My question was "So do you agree that Joe Biden lied about his statement of not pardoning his son?" Do you have a reading comprehension disability? Do you need help understanding my question? Is there anyone in you facility that can assist you understand my question so that you can provide me with a proper answer?
He never said he woulnt pardon him- duh!
Do you agree that no one was eating the dogs and the cats in Ohio, that it was made up to feed the low iq base?
You’re as much a liar as Joe is. Unfortunately got liars like you the footage is easily found of Joe specifically saying he wouldn’t pardon him. Try to stop looking into your own intestines for once.