Do I have to return my last bottles of Gringo Bandito now? Will Dexter Holland, its creator and lead singer of the band The Offspring, be forced to issue me a refund now and cease production because he doesn't meet the skin tone requirements?
(It's pretty decent sauce if you no longer feel compelled to feel like you're gargling a blowtorch every time you have hot sauce. Sadly, I haven't been able to have much in recent months on account of stomach issues (gastritis), but I'm getting where I can now again).
How about Mexican food? Thai? Real Chinese? No more red pepper flakes on pizza? Am I banned from having Vinagre now? Do non-'Black' Puerto Ricans have to stop using it now? How about the Native Americans that invented hot chilis? Are they banned too?
Can Kamala not have hot food being that she is Caucasian? India has the largest Caucasian population (over a billion!) in the world, and some food that will seer uncustomed pallets off. Do they have to stop using it also because they don't have permish?
Tabasco Sauce, is not supposed to be a major staple in the South? On every table? From breakfast grits to dinner dessert? Bad example.
Stick with Hillary's "We's be doin' that, y'alls..." in Georgia speech - the accent adoption, which in Hillzy's case, was fake as fhuck to the point of caricature. If she wasn't overtly overly smoozing, you'd think she was actually mocking the audience the way it was so plasticated and overdone.
When you're on the right track, stick with it. You might be right after all. It's ok to be spot on on occasion. It really is.