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I love America, I love our Constitution, I love liberty. Globalists despise and deplore everything I love.

I love America, I love our Constitution, I love liberty.  Globalists despise and deplore everything I love. | SO YOU THINK THAT CALLING THE RIGHT, "NATIONALISTS"; WILL HIDE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A GLOBALIST, NEW WORLD ORDER, ANTI-CONSTITUTIONALIST FASCIST | image tagged in globalists are fascists,globalists are anti-liberty | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
669 views 44 upvotes Made by AdamSmithsInvisibleHand 3 months ago in politics
Creepy Condescending Wonka memeCaption this Meme
12 ups, 3mo
Crazy AOC | THE GLOBE IS BIGGER THAN THE NATION SO OUR IDEAS MUST BE BIGGER THAN YOUR IDEAS | image tagged in crazy aoc | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"Globalists" is just a euphemism for willing to kill your own people so you can make a ton of money
11 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
They stick the "nationalist" label on anything they want to project hate on...
10 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
Globalists are fascists. They want to micromanage our lives and make slaves of us all.

It is the fascists who are telling our children to hate America and to call anyone who loves this country a nationalist.

If they are a Christian they are automatically labeled a Christian nationalist. Which only shows their ignorance about Christianity. Christianity is not nationalist, it never was nationalist, it is globalist. It wasn't even started in the United States.

The difference is Christianity is a positive that promotes liberty for all. Fascist globalists are opposed to liberty except for the ruling class.
7 ups, 3mo
Exactly white Christian nationalist is the enemy in their eyes. I simply call them Americans who believe in god and country.
8 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
This is what discrimination and prejudice is. What you said is exactly same type of blanket statements that the KKK says about black people.

You think you know us but you have no clue. You think every single Christian is identical to the next. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There are lots of people who call themselves Christians but do follow Jesus. They do not keep His commandments. They think that a passive belief is all they need and so they act just like atheists. But there are a majority of us who still follow Jesus' commandments. We still try to be the best we can, not for show but for our salvation.

You need to actually meet and talk to a few of us before you throw out your ignorant blanket statements.

But then I guess that is just part of being a leftist. The KKK was started by you guys.
1 up, 3mo,
2 replies
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I made no blanket statements (perhaps you were confused by the word cohort?), but you certainly have multiple times here.

Which isn't surprising because the KKK and the Confederacy were both started by White Southern Conservatives - they were Democrats at the time, of course, because that was the conservative party (Lincoln Republicans were liberals).

That all changed between the 1940s and the 1970s though, which is clear in the voting patterns of those southern white conservatives.
1 up, 3mo
You said: "we call you Christian Nationalists because you're Nationalists first, and only Christians in name, or as long as it's convenient."

That had nothing to do with you previous statement where you said "It's entertaining watching you struggle to deny what so many of your cohort openly admit here"

I responded to your blanket statement that we are "nationalists first and only Christian in name". That is an all inclusive statement that you are using to describe Christians. In order for that statement to be true you would have to intimately know every Christian in the country and be privy to their thoughts.

That is impossible for you to know. It is just your prejudice.
1 up, 3mo
"Which isn't surprising because the KKK and the Confederacy were both started by White Southern Conservatives - they were Democrats at the time, of course, because that was the conservative party (Lincoln Republicans were liberals)."

That's assuming that they were registered to vote the first place, or to a party.

Lincoln & the Republicans were abolitionists, but their initial moves for liberty in the South was very much also about crippling it, and perhaps mainly that, as they soon gave up on reform.
The Lily-White Movement Republican faction that emerged in Texas and spread throughout the South in the 1880s were openly racist and conservative.

It was arguably not so much of a switch as it was simply the Democratic Party deciding to progress beyond the way it and the Republican Party had been.
7 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
We know you hate Americans who love their country and believe in god. Who cares.
1 up, 3mo
“One cannot be a slave to both God and money, but it does not mean that one cannot be both a slave to God and also pursue a reasonable interest in money. This verse is not a call for the renunciation of all wealth, merely a warning against the idolization of the pursuit of money.”

And it certainly doesn’t infer any support for godless communist doctrine as you would hope or imply.
11 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
...Says the TOTALITARIANS struggling to force their weak ideology on ALL.
9 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Not as confused as your attempts to confuse
Someone is not much of a teacher to test others, that are not their students.
7 ups, 3mo
Open this book:

Authoritarian Fascism of the Axis Powers, Mussolini, Tojo, and Adolf in the 1940's is akin to
Authoritarian Totalitarianism of Stalin and Mao... They aren't the same approach to Authority.
Although both States, Fascism & Totalitarianism,
used Force and violence to attempt to achieve their goals.

A Parliamentary Monarchy led by Churchill, whom garnered support in the Atlas
Powers of Marxist-Totalitarian Stalin, and Constitutional Republican Nationalists of the USA
were enough to defeat the Fascism of the Axis Powers in Austria/Germany, Italy, the Mufti and Japan.

The support for Bastiat's notion of a Two Party Nationalist Constitutional Republic in the USA,
is contrary to support for Authoritarianism, of either Right or Left. Bastiat is Conservatism of what is worth Conservation. Life, Liberty, Property.

...regardless if Authoritarianism is expressed in Axis Righty Fascism, or
Marxist-Lenin-Marcuse Lefty Totalitarianism.

Individual Life, Liberty, and Property are tantamount to a Democratic Republic, even that one day may emerge as a Global means of governance. Anything less is an overreach of Authority.

This matters now too. Marxist-Lenin-Marcuse ideologues have infiltrated
every institution precisely as they said they would all along. From within, using Progressivism.

The modern enemy of Life, Liberty, and Personal Property today,
is not as Germany/Italy/Japan, Mufti Axis Style, as they are a revitalization of
SOVIET AND MAOIST STYLE ideology of Marxism.
The Axis of WWII, appear to all be Marxist/Soviet/Maoist in style just a lifetime later. today

Those two generalized examples of Authority is awful. Don't let them call you Fascist for Totalitarians hate them and you too. Only their authority style is acceptable. Concrete thinking, produces Puritan Logic.
Witches might get burnt, if one speaks the truth to their "Puritan Social Climate" Power.

Black is Beautiful.
Black Lives Matter, BLM non-profit organization of trained Marxists is not. In fact, it is quite Ugly.

Some Libweirdos come across as more Mao and Stalin, than Hirohito, Tojo, or Mussolini.
They all are sad approaches to authority.

Don't make people cry. They may be feeling sensitive and vulnerable to
the aggressive assertions and approach forcefully utilized.
6 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
7 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
It's true... and you know it.
6 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
😂 the only difference in fascists and communists is they disagreed on who would dominate Berlin or Moscow. Both were run by authoritarian tyrants. And real Americans fought them both to a standstill until traitors appeared on our midst.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
My gosh, tell me you're kidding.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
No kidding, Americans fought them both and the imperialist Japanese as well. They probably don’t teach history where you are from. Grab a book.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
They just celebrated the 80th Anniversary of D-Day the other week.
Where can you possibly be hidden that you don't know history that was all over the news just two weeks ago like it just happened yesterday?

Not to mention that it's the entire reason for the existence of your country in the first place.

The USSR (that was Communist Russia, btw) was ALLIED with the USA against the Axis Powers during WWII.

Good grief.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
A temporary alliance with Stalinist Russia who was previously allied with Hitler Germany in World War 2. After that it led to decades of War against communist takeovers. Ever hear of Korea? Vietnam maybe? Both Backed by Russia and China to gobble up the South’s. It’s Well known that Russian and Chinese pilots and advisors participated. Good grief Charlie Brown you don’t think we fought Commies?🤣
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
▶️ "Bluessol 4d, 1 reply

😂 the only difference in fascists and communists is they disagreed on who would dominate Berlin or Moscow. Both were run by authoritarian tyrants. And real Americans fought them both to a standstill until traitors appeared on our midst."

▶️ "Modda 3d, 1 reply

My gosh, tell me you're kidding."

▶️ "Bluessol 12h, 1 reply

No kidding, Americans fought them both and the imperialist Japanese as well. They probably don’t teach history where you are from. Grab a book."

⚫ That's what you said.

Americans didn't fight against the Soviets in any part of World War II. Or ever.
The Soviets were not allies with Germany in the beginning of the war. They had a non-aggression pact.

But hey, keep digging with the historical illiteracy. Oh, and don't forget to add those emojis to make the hooey you're desperately winging become amazingly true.
1 up, 3mo,
4 replies
Oh yes a non aggression pact and agreement to partition Poland. Sounds like a favorable agreement you could almost call an alliance. Their ideologies matched so why not. Jealousy is what killed the alliance potential I guess.

Speaking of illiteracy where did I say fought Russia in Workd War2? I said fought fascists and communists and that is historical fact. Where did I say we fought them in World War 2? One and then the other and both at various times, or again are you trying to say we never fought communism. 😆 please expound.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
0 ups, 3mo
Must have been one of your alter egos
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it and We all know who the new Hitler Youth support. Hard to reconcile that hypocrisy isn’t it."

Correct, that makes two of us - me and Darko who earlier pointed out that they also could not figure out what you were saying.
1 up, 3mo
Yes, I don’t speak liberal progressive doublespeak. Not surprised you guys can’t figure it out.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
For starters, punctuation is a thing. As well as a semblance of coherency.
0 ups, 3mo
Sure, You got nothing and are wrong again. I win again. It must be frustrating for you to assemble lies and try to perpetrate it as truth and be wrong over and over and over again.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
How many times do I have to copypaste your own comments to remind you the historical illiteracy that you yourself posted?

Their ideologies are polar opposites, btw. Hence why Righties wave the flag of one while using the other as a disparaging slag - although not lately, with their embracing of KGB Putin and the rise of the new Soviet Empire.

But you know this already.
1 up, 3mo
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it and We all know who the new Hitler Youth support. Hard to reconcile that hypocrisy isn’t it.
9 ups, 3mo,
3 replies
Great Meme.
One note for consideration:

The Leftist LibWeirdos scoff at being called Fascist.

TOTALITARIANS yes, they can't get that STINK
of Mao style, or Stalin Style Marxism off them.

They Bathe in that Pig-Stye of Herbert Marcuse;
The Marxism-Lite ideology of Repressive Tolerance and Critical Theory
swimming in the stale, unrefrigerated, urine filled pool of THE NEW LEFT
(Which is the last gasp of Elderly Baby Boomers old ideology of dead Marcuse)
7 ups, 3mo
& to top it off, they tout that they've convinced themselves
they are swimming around in clean and clear fresh spring water,
and everyone ought to Progress by hook or by crook,
into joining them for a Skinny Dip in the Leftist Pool, whether they like it, or detest it.

...historically is rife with Hubris, Pride, and zero capacity for Humility.
What's next is dangerous, absolutely.
Just take a look at what was done by Mao and Stalin to ensure compliance with their perceived constituents compliance with their good intentions for the group collective.
8 ups, 3mo,
2 replies
I know they scoff. They have no clue what fascism actually is. That is why they cannot recognize where it actually exists. It is the public/private partnerships that Biden, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the IMF and the World Bank are creating to control the world. It is also the leaders of many other countries who have bought into this great reset nonsense.

I don't care if they scoff. I will call them what they are because if they support Biden (or rather everyone who pulls his puppet strings) that is exactly what they are getting. It isn't exactly the same as Mussolini's fascism. Mussolini took control of private business but let the business leaders stay in their positions to run the companies. This new version, many business leaders are willingly submitting to the fascists. Others are forced into it through ESG. If they or anyone who supplies them with resources do not comply with the ESG standards then they do not get funding from lending institutions.
7 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
These in Global Power now are Neo-Marxists... that love Gramsci and Kissinger.
The Progressive Evolution of Neo-Marxist Democratic Socialist Globalism, of Herbert Marcuse.
Ironic that Mussolini comes up in our reply commentary.
Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party, criticized Mussolini in public.
Mussolini jailed Gramsci. He died in that jail 11 years later.
You are accurate regarding the size and scope of The Great Reset.
The motivation though
is Communist/Socialist/Marxist Democracy, as was Antonio Gramsci. Global Authoritarian Totalitarianism of Gramsci/Kissinger/Schwab in their Utopian Dream Team Scheme,
is a different, quite oppositional Cat, than the Authoritarian Fascism of Benito Mussolini
Kissinger wrote the plans and integrated them into his tutelage of Klaus WEF Schwab.
Kissinger as the Mentor of Klaus Schwab, inspired by Gramsci, created this Grand SCHEMATIC of
The Great Reset for Klaus et; al; to carry out. You seem like you already know this. Yet one might concur with accurate statement that such schemes are not in the best interest of Life, Liberty, or the Pursuit of Happiness through individual Property Ownership.

It'll be a thrill ride of fun and adventure watching this full proof scheme implode on them.
7 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
I would say that most of the Democrat party, if not all Democrats, are Neo-Marxists. The majority don't even know that. They are under the delusion that they are the ones trying to preserve America, a country that they show nothing but contempt for.

What is coming down from the World Economic Forum is a new kind of fascism. It is a fascism that has been influenced by Marxism. Marxists don't create public/private partnerships. They just take over businesses and run them. That is the difference.

However, with ESG businesses are being forced to comply or not get funding. That is more Marx-like but not exactly the same. Privately owned businesses that are operating in the black and do not need financing don't have to do anything to comply with ESG unless they want to. For most businesses, especially publicly traded businesses, they are stuck with having to comply or die.

Once the EU forced that on European businesses that affects businesses from all over the world who do business in Europe. And all businesses who do businesses with businesses who do business with Europe. And so on and so on. It essentially is effecting the entire planet just by European businesses being forced to comply.

However, all of the businesses down the chain can just refuse and the European businesses will have to suffer and perhaps collapse. So it could backfire big time on the EU and I hope that it does. ESG has to be shut down. It cannot be allowed to stand.

This is why I am calling it a new fascism because it isn't a government organization who is trying to control the world. It is a consortium of private organizations who are trying to exercise their power over everyone. They aren't an different than the Neo-Marxists in their ambition. They are all massive idiots.
7 ups, 3mo
On a side note. Have you heard the joke about the EU plan for a 45 million person city.
One that meets United Nations Sustainablility Goals whilst being built on productive farmland and
World War I repurposed cemeteries? People are just dying to become citizens.
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
No, Mussolini did not take control of private businesses. Guy was busy enough as is. In fact, quite the opposite, as he privatized many government companies.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Stand up for fascists. All right 👍
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Why would you do that?
0 ups, 3mo
Deflection, your superlackofpower.
7 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
Scoff at my projection of the word Fascism? I simply did not. To clarify,
You do not come across as Fascist. A Totalitarian supporter, yes, Fascist no.

Fascism might be your claimed preferred insult to hurl, as most Totalitarians do,
along with the word ignorance. As if you are educated beyond reproach.
The difference between ignorance and education is that education has it's limits.
Thanks for displaying your limitations with charts. It's appreciated.

People even here on this thread, aren't ignorant to how the Globalists resolve their Marxist Feelings,
with projecting them upon others through Lefty Totalitarianism, rather than Righty Fascism
If one has to lift their own self up, by putting others down,
well, they likely did not experience a great Kindergarten Teacher in their life. Maybe?

Glad an individual can speak for The Collective.
Somebody out there can FEEL The Struggle of The Progressive Cause.
GroupThink and identity ideology en masse,
historically has always resulted in dangerous consequences, globally.

The individual matters more than the group. For w/o the individual, there can be no group.

Without Nationalists, their can be no consensus for the emergence of Globalists
1 up, 3mo,
1 reply
Of course I don't come across as a fascist - I'm a left libertarian.

But again, this is all projection - I use the terms fascist and fascism in a technical manner while you accuse anyone who doesn't fit in your conservative, fundamentalist, nationalist, and yes fascist tent of being Marxists because doing so casts them in an equally authoritarian light as yourself, but lacking the virtues of capitalism.

This of course is absurd because there's only one authoritarian party in the US, while both are beholden to the capitalists - and try as you might to equivocate, we both know who wants to create a new Reich here and now.
0 ups, 3mo,
1 reply
A Far Right Reich is Tyranny
A Far Left "Yuval Harari style" scheme is Tyranny

One can guess a dangerous plate of Tyranny is on the horizon regardless

Bon Apetit'
1 up, 3mo
No one is proposing a far left scheme or state - we're just less authoritarian versions of capitalists.

But the actual authoritarians definitely have you cringing in fear of those -other- authoritarian boogeymen.
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