You know we saw him lead the country for 4 years, right?
- Although it seemed necessary at the time, Operation Warp Speed gave lefty loons their security blanket in with the vax. According to your demigod, Fauxci, those vaccines saved millions of lives. He is a liar, of course, but you don't get that option.
- The military was in the best shape it had been in, in years, thanks to Trump. What is most condemning of leftist nonsense like this is how the troops respond to Trump vs Biden. THEY know better, even if losers do not.
- Truthful is not immature, except to a leftist, whose primary governing characteristic is to be utterly blind to truth. Even if I gave you, "immature", I will take "immature" over braindead every day of the week. Biden is literally the best the Democrats have to offer, which really says it all.
- Strawmen are easy to knock down, aren't they?