Take your head up your ass, gays have no reason "feel unsafe" in America given how much America protects their rights, allowing them to date, have sex, get married and have children and even silence anyone who dares to even say anything the gays disagree with and deem such speech "hate crime". Also really? "As well as elsewhere in the west"? You really think a country as progressive as Denmark is "unsafe for the gays"? That shows me you are very ungrateful for how the west actually treats gays very well and makes it the safest society for the gays either that or you are so dense you don't realize how progressive the west is in protecting gay rights. Especially Denmark, one of the most non-religous countries in the world, it would be one thing if you said such a thing about the Bible belt states of the U.S. but you have ZERO grounds to push such a notion about Denmark. The west is a world leader in human rights, no other place in the world protects your rights like the west therefore you have no reason to complain about "feeling unsafe".