I actually said this in 2000, I was laughed at by independents and middle road conservatives. I said "its a slippery slope" . I said it again when they decided to let homosexuals be boy scout leaders.
I'm 66 years old and I grew up in So. Cal. and I never knew that. But then I was never at Disneyland in the morning when they opened for the day. That's an interesting fact. Thanks for letting me know that.
I could've just never paid attention to it. When I was young I only remember my parents taking once. When I got old enough to drive I preferred Magic Mountain over Disneyland because the rides were more fun. I didn't go to Disneyland very much.
Manufactured outrage by right wing pundits and mainstream media that loosely resonates with the base to spark such a reaction?
Not trying to be snarky, that’s the best I got
Why? Are you saying I should blame all Muslims for those who do evil things?
Islam wants world domination where everyone is forced to live under Sharia law and be Muslim. How is that any less scary than Larry Fink and the others you named? Don't they want something similar? Doesn't their desire for world domination come from their own narcissism and not their religion. There's nothing in Judaism that tells Israel to strive for world domination. They just want that little bit of land that was given to them by God. Which is unfortunate because the ONLY "religion" in the world who was told by their god to exterminate all Jews lives all around them.
"Are you saying I should blame all Muslims for those who do evil things?" That's what you're ALREADY brainwashed to think and even ACT on it, your comments are already a clear proof of that.
"Islam wants world domination where everyone is forced to live under Sharia law and be Muslim." Where does the Quran or the Hadith say to dominate the world? And who do you think invaded and colonized 99.9% of the planet, invented death camps, gas chambers and these horrific medieval torture tools that make ISIS look like innocent Pacifism preachers in comparison? Totally not "civilized Christian Utopias!" called (((AmeriKKKa, Britain, France and Spain))) right? Then of course we have the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, ENTIRE ILLEGAL INVASIONS AND WARS ALL BECAUSE OF LIES!!! Look at YOUR OWN SELF IN THE MIRROR before making hateful stereotypes about A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE EARTH POPULATION that also APPLIES ON YOUR OWN SELF!
"There's nothing in Judaism that tells Israel to strive for world domination." Yes there is:
Eruvin 43b: "It is only Elijah who will not arrive on Shabbat eve, but the Messiah himself may arrive, for once the Messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the Jewish people, and they will help them prepare whatever is needed for Shabbat."
And go read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for further proof (INB4 now "aNtIsEmItIc fAbRiCaTiOn!" even though you've never read even a WORD from it. No, it's not an "aNtIsEmItIc fAbRiCaTiOn!" WHEN A BOOK FROM 120+ YEARS AGO TOLD LITERALLY WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY!) Here's an example of what the Protocols said that made LGBT "lEgAl!" in the West and soon the rest of the world if Judiesm isn't stopped soon enough:
Yay! Keep watching Hollywood propagandas and get brainwashed through these so-called "entertainment products!" Yay kids, LGBT is an "improvement!" and no one will DARE to cancel this new "lAw!"
"They just want that little bit of land that was given to them by God." God did not gave the Jews Palestine, the UK did through the Balfour Declaration, ILLEGALLY AND BY LAND THEFT AND EXPULSION OF THE NATIVE INHABITANTS!
"the ONLY "religion" in the world" again with the most generic and predictable Islamophobic cliche and that is writing "religion" in quotes because you secretly mean by that "iSlAm iS a dEaTh cUlT aNd nOt a rElIgIoN!!!" Calm your tits, we're used to these pathetic Islamophobic tricks, you're not even new to this.