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AmeriKKKaIsTheGreatSatan (6623)
Joined 2024-02-23
Death to (((AmeriKKKa))) the Great Satan that bombed the Muslim world for A QUARTER CENTURY & calls it "wAr oN tErRoR!"
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Change My Mind in politics
0 ups, 11mo
And these Philistines existed in the 12th century BCE before there was even the Kingdom of Israel in the 11th century BCE (look up Philistia), so what's your point exactly? The Palestinians of today are Semitic people who were originally Jewish and Christian before it was conquered by Omar ibn al-Khattab (Rashidun Caliphate) in around 636, no one was exterminated, expelled or force converted to Islam when they conquered Jerusalem just like how Syrians of today are not actually of Arab descent (as in the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula). No history book ever implies that they were exterminated/expelled/force converted except some retarded brainwashed Islamophobes from the 21st century shat that because they "guessed it" based on what they see on the TV and wrote a book based on their delusions with no actual history lessons.
Change My Mind in politics
0 ups, 11mo
There are many, many more maps of PALESTINE in history. Just check this article that lists countless maps that called it PALESTINE and NOT the fake UK invention called "Israel" that makes the ZioNazis EXPLODE IN ANGER (pun intended at how they bomb innocent women and children):
Change My Mind in politics
1 up, 11mo
"there has never been a Palestinian state"

Sure: (just look at how many COUNTLESS PEOPLE called it Palestine, including the Crusaders that you defend, worship and adore and NONE called it "Israel").

Virtue Signaling comes at a price in politics
0 ups, 11mo
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"You don’t give a shit about what happens to Muslims, you just blindly hate the west."

Yeah, that's why Bosnia used to be a (fairly) conservative Muslim country where Muslim women used to dress modestly then after the Bosnian war and GENOCIDE they wear just like what your average degenerate Euro libtard country with revealing "clothes" and overexposed cleavage does.

Picture: Bosnia in the 1920s.
The ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys remember too in politics
0 ups, 11mo
"Are you saying I should blame all Muslims for those who do evil things?" That's what you're ALREADY brainwashed to think and even ACT on it, your comments are already a clear proof of that.

"Islam wants world domination where everyone is forced to live under Sharia law and be Muslim." Where does the Quran or the Hadith say to dominate the world? And who do you think invaded and colonized 99.9% of the planet, invented death camps, gas chambers and these horrific medieval torture tools that make ISIS look like innocent Pacifism preachers in comparison? Totally not "civilized Christian Utopias!" called (((AmeriKKKa, Britain, France and Spain))) right? Then of course we have the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, ENTIRE ILLEGAL INVASIONS AND WARS ALL BECAUSE OF LIES!!! Look at YOUR OWN SELF IN THE MIRROR before making hateful stereotypes about A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE EARTH POPULATION that also APPLIES ON YOUR OWN SELF!

"There's nothing in Judaism that tells Israel to strive for world domination." Yes there is:
Eruvin 43b: "It is only Elijah who will not arrive on Shabbat eve, but the Messiah himself may arrive, for once the Messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the Jewish people, and they will help them prepare whatever is needed for Shabbat."

And go read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion for further proof (INB4 now "aNtIsEmItIc fAbRiCaTiOn!" even though you've never read even a WORD from it. No, it's not an "aNtIsEmItIc fAbRiCaTiOn!" WHEN A BOOK FROM 120+ YEARS AGO TOLD LITERALLY WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY!) Here's an example of what the Protocols said that made LGBT "lEgAl!" in the West and soon the rest of the world if Judiesm isn't stopped soon enough:

Yay! Keep watching Hollywood propagandas and get brainwashed through these so-called "entertainment products!" Yay kids, LGBT is an "improvement!" and no one will DARE to cancel this new "lAw!"

"They just want that little bit of land that was given to them by God." God did not gave the Jews Palestine, the UK did through the Balfour Declaration, ILLEGALLY AND BY LAND THEFT AND EXPULSION OF THE NATIVE INHABITANTS!

"the ONLY "religion" in the world" again with the most generic and predictable Islamophobic cliche and that is writing "religion" in quotes because you secretly mean by that "iSlAm iS a dEaTh cUlT aNd nOt a rElIgIoN!!!" Calm your tits, we're used to these pathetic Islamophobic tricks, you're not even new to this.