"Gangbangs on young teenage girls in London have nothing to do with Islam?" They're no-name "Muslims" unlike the people I named.
"Iran, the ones fueling the vast majority of instability in the Middle East have nothing to do with Islam?" Iran is a Shia country, Shias are not real Muslims. Yes, Iran should just cease to exist (Israel too of course)
"ISIS the ones that plunged Iraq into half a decade of civil unrest that required the United States, Russia and the Kurds to crush have nothing to do with Islam?" Hilarious, and as predictable as you Islamophobes could get, blaming Islam for ISIS that was LITERALLY FOUNDED AS A RESULT OF THE (((AMERIKKKUNT))) INVASION OF IRAQ OVER LIES!
Have you ever met a RELIGIOUS Muslim? Dude, when I was in an Islamic school, bullies and hateful kids DID NOT care about Islam AT ALL! For example, when the time comes for Dhuhr prayer just before leaving school, they DID NOT pray it and instead used to hide somewhere in the corner to avoid praying, they were the definition of "Muslims in name only," (even though ALL 5 PRAYERS ARE MANDATORY FOR EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM ON EARTH!), meanwhile the good kids that I met were good and religious Muslims and loved Islam and used to get good grades at Islamic subjects and exams because they actually CARED about Islam.
Also, I'm not the one calling the people you mentioned above as "iNnOcEnT pAcIfIcTs wHo aReN't cApAbLe oF sCrAtChInG eVeN aN aNt aNd I aGrEe wItH eVeRy sInGlE tHiNg tHeY sAy aNd eVeN tHiNk oF!!!" like you do. Yes, there are bad Muslims, and these "Muslims" almost always don't even care about Islam. Yes, I condemn the actions you mentioned above. Meanwhile, you think there's not even a SINGLE bad Jew ON EARTH! And whenever you hear of Jew doing just as what you said above, you IMMEDIATELY think it's "sElF-dEfEnSe!!!" or "nOtHiNg tO dO wItH jUdAiSm!!!" or whatever thing that pops up in your head and try to justify it just like when Israel murdered 100+ Palestinians and injured 750+ more as they were waiting for food supplies on February 29, 2024.