I agree with your reasoning on freedom of speech. And I do agree that no one should be arrested for claiming there are only two genders all by itself. That’d be like arresting Flat-Earthers, or putting a kid under arrest for getting an answer wrong on a test. I’ll definitely say you’re wrong, and I have, but you have your right to defend your point, no matter what I think of it.
It’s when that rhetoric is used to fuel hate is where I draw the line. Heck, someone burning a Pride flag all by itself I think should be protected speech. I’m not endorsing that and think it’s horrible, just like burning an American flag, but that alone should not be a hate crime. It’s when a Pride Flag is burned and accompanied with rhetoric that can actively harm us or if done in a threatening manner (For example, burning said flag on a queer person’s front lawn) is where it can become a hate crime. And that’s what happens in just about every pride flag burning I’ve seen, so yeah, that’s hate speech. And once again so the mods don’t strike this down, I do not condone burning pride flags, or American flags, just trying to explain the legality of such.
And yes, those Death to America folk can definitely frick right off. I may be critical of many things in America’s system, but I still love America. I’d just like to see it improved because I know we can be better, kind of like how a mother can punish her child but still love them. That being said, definitely don’t agree with the common sentient here that President Biden wishes death to America, that’s just propaganda.
As for building on common ground, you are absolutely right. That is exactly what our democracy is supposed to be built on, and is pretty much how it worked until recently, and I’d argue that’s related to the Fairness Doctrine being revoked on news sites and paved the way for our partisan government today