You know what he did do? He had the German government pass a law that every married couple would be given a free copy of his book on their wedding day. And by free, I mean, the government would pay for it.
For several years, he was paid a royalty on all the books his government bought from him and gave to every newlywed couple in Germany. And, as it turns out, part owner of the publishing company that held the rights to his book.
So, we don't know how much money he made from those book sales. But it was certainly in the millions.
And it reminds me of all those times that Trump would insist on staying at his own hotels, and the whole Presidential entourage would stay there. Of course, the hotels would charge the government agents and political staff will above the going rate. All paid by the government directly to the Trump family. I wonder how much that was?
Oh, that's right, we know. It's $32,798,133 (as of March, 2024).
This number includes all of the money the RNC and various poltical pacs spent staying at the hotels.