Ask Margaret Sanger what she felt about eugenics? How she believed that inferior people could be bred out of existence through abortion and birth control.
Ask George Bernard Shaw what he thought about asking people to "justify their existence". And if they could not do so then they should be killed but in a human way.
Ask H.G. Wells why he called himself a "Liberal Fascist".
Our education system has been tremendously screwed up since the Progressive history revisionists got into our colleges and universities. History revisionism begin under Woodrow Wilson. Wilson hated the Constitution as much as he hated blacks. He was one of the worst presidents we have ever had.
By the time the 60's came around the misinformation was firmly entrenched in our entire school system.
And that idiotic left-right scale that puts communists and socialists on the extreme left and fascists and Nazis on the extreme right is just insane. It makes absolutely no sense at all.
It makes the founding fathers Nazis and fascists, which could not be any farther from the truth. It causes the left to constantly mislabel the right.
It doesn't matter hat once Hitler got power, his narcissism took over and he stopped following a strict socialist creed. It doesn't matter that Mussolini saw that the Soviet Union nearly starved to death it's first year because the farm owners were kicked off of their land and "expert" central planners ran the farms. So Mussolini decided to avoid that and let those who knew how to run their businesses keep ownership. But they would be very heavily controlled.
Stalin called Mussolini a right-winger as an insult because he left business owners keep running their countries.
This did not mean that fascists were right-wingers. They, and Nazis, are every bit the authoritarian control freaks that all of the other little socialists and communists narcissists are.
All total government control systems are on the extreme left. Anarchy is on the extreme right. The scale has always been about the amount of freedom the individual has. Leftist believe the individual must be controlled. Anarchists don't want any controls, including a government.
Constitutionalists, like me, want the government to take of a small laundry list of things enumerated in the Constitution and for everything else, stay out of our lives.
The Progressives have changed our government for the much, much, much worse. We have very little freedom today.