I would actually argue that political reporting cares less about their agenda and more about money. Don’t get me wrong, of course mainstream media doesn’t care as much about the truth as they should, but it’s more about the money than an agenda, it’s just that the agenda gets them money. It’s the same result either way, I’m just nitpicking
As a matter of fact, I do fact check sources and view many different ones from across the political spectrum, from Newsmax to MSNBC. The conclusions I draw are my own, not some spoon fed to me by mass media, it’s just that some tend to correlate with them. I also watch politicians speak unfiltered at debates, rallies, and addresses instead of sound bites, just to make sure I hear what they are saying correctly
I’d also like to comment on how you pointed out that many people coming out of schools are voting left. I can personally attest to that, and I’d reason it is the case that Democrat policies, such as free healthcare and social justice, speak more towards the interests of young voters than things like the economy and border control. This is something the GOP needs to understand if they want more support from young voters
As for Trump being found guilty of insurrection, I made sure to highlight that as only a possibility because I recognize it is unlikely to happen, forgive me if I was unclear on that, and I do agree with you on what you replied regarding it