"Computers were not invented. The first President I remember was Nixion. I remember the Vietnam War."
If you graduated high school in 1981 like you claimed, Computers WERE already invented, and you would have had a computer class in school, albeit rather small in number of students. They would have used cassettes for storage. Same deal with college, only slightly expanded. Slightly.
If the first President you remember was Nixion [sic], you would NOT have remembered the Vietnam War much at all, other than that it was happening and then that it had then ended.
Also, if you really went that far back, you would have remembered that in your earlier childhood, computers occupied entire rooms, entire floors even, in science labs and corporations and whatnot.
You don't remember how many times Kirk & Co tilted a computer by confusing it with some question that did not compute, and how 'compact' they made those computers of the future look in comparison to those actually in use when the show was made? You don't remember Lost in Space? The Jetsons? Mission impossible, the original show? Number 6 in the Prisoner?
See, that's the thing, you refer to these things of the past in a generalities devoid of detail and accuracy.