Who explained it to me? You? All you have done is repeat the word "this is not a fiat currency" about 83,490,397,852,838,458,209,873,405. I replied to you 83,490,397,852,838,458,209,873,405 times saying I never said it was a fiat currency.
So now here is my 83,490,397,852,838,458,209,873,406th explanation, a fiat currency is when the currency has 0 value. We still have some value to our currency, it hasn't gone fiat yet. But when it does I will not post you here to update you because if our money has gone fiat then there will be no more ImgFlip, no more ISP for you and me to connect to the internet. That and every other business goes away. Then we will have 100% unemployment. The nation becomes the Walking Dead without zombies.