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Wake up and smell the coffee!

BY 30%; THEY BURIED THAT IN PARAGRAPH 17. IT SHOULD HAVE FRONT PAGE; DO YOU GET IT NOW? | image tagged in new york times,covid deaths,over counted,30 percent | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,269 views 60 upvotes Made by RunawayTrain 2 years ago in politics
10 ups, 2y,
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Since our leftists are too cowardly to reply, I'll answer for them . . . "What difference does it make now?" Thus they wipe away recent history, before revising it in the future.
4 ups, 2y,
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hillary what difference does it make | AT THIS POINT
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? | image tagged in hillary what difference does it make | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
3 ups, 2y
8 ups, 2y
IF ONLY EVERYBODY HAD MASKED UP SOONER | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
8 ups, 2y
They never lie... they just bury the truth that doesn't support their master's wishes...
5 ups, 2y,
1 reply
fuaci fauci | SUBPOENA ME MOTHERFUCKERS | image tagged in fuaci fauci | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
5 ups, 2y,
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Better yet, Grand Jury Fauci.
4 ups, 2y,
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I say perp walk him to the back of the courthouse, but I still believe in American Justice...
7 ups, 2y,
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I want the day (or year) everyone who lost a love one to covid or the clot shot gets to testify at his sentencing. He should have to listen to every single one,
3 ups, 2y
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1 up, 2y,
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Looks to me like it's regarding recent deaths ... "In recent weeks". Can't click the link though so exact time is unclear.

But I know, I know... COVID is fake news. The vax is killing us and so on.
4 ups, 2y,
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Covid was hyped panic news. People died and the Chinese either released it or let it escape. Lockdowns were ineffective and damaged the country in many ways. You and your ilk denied all of that and cheered censorship to quash debate.
1 up, 2y,
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There was definitely some panic. It was a new thing, we didn't really know what it was nor the extent of what it would be, and people were dying. The news knows where the $ is. They reported on it. And shock headlines get clicks.

Lockdowns are effective if actually done. There's literally no way for you to catch covid from me if I'm in my house and you're in your house. If people are running around having "covid parties", wearing a screen as a mask, etc.... then ya, lockdowns are ineffective.

As far as China, let's say they did "release it" to kill us or whatever. Me and "my ilk" tried to err on the side of caution responding to it. You and your ilk helped and you continue to help China to kill us. Ya it's mostly you guys who are the ones dying but you ARE still Americans.

Well... I say "you" but I question how many people here actually are American given what I just said. Maybe I'm a bit paranoid too.

If by censorship you mean allowing companies to censor stuff they decide to censor idk if I necessarily "cheered" it but I didn't really say they shouldn't either.
0 ups, 2y,
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That it was a new thing was exactly the reason free debate should have been encouraged not censored. The lockdowns didn’t work and don’t work simply because you have to eventually leave your lockdown and the virus has not disappeared. Deaths subsided because people contracted and survived. The only benefit of lockdown would have been for high risk to wait out herd immunity.

Let’s say China didn’t do it on purpose. They just stupidly couldn’t contain it. Denying it came from their institute of virology and purging anyone who said so was wrong and stupid.

Censorship is taking down others thoughts because they don’t fit what you are selling. It’s a classic case of politically driven censorship. Driven by Democrats who can’t stand to hear debate or differing viewpoints. To this day you leftists try and censor any disagreement.
1 up, 2y,
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Were debates censored?

Well if people could do it, it should work. Some people can't though. People are weenies. Some people might also not be able to afford enough food and such to stock up and wait it out. And houses with multiple people might take longer time to since a multiple person house could be months before it's safe for them to leave if one catches it and then spreads it to the other and then later to the other. Idk. Seems this would've been a good opportunity for anyone who might still have a bomb shelter to test it out.

I think deaths subsided due to a combination of vaccination, hybrid immunity, and the fact that most of the people who would be most likely to die from covid or complications relating to it have probably already died. Older unvaccinated people with other health conditions who still haven't caught covid yet are probably most at risk. But there's probably not many people like that left. ~100,000,000 confirmed cases and who knows how many unconfirmed.

Sure... I'm not a scientist but it does seem possible that a coronavirus from Wuhan came from a coronavirus lab in Wuhan.

As far as censorship... repubs have done the same thing on Troth Senchal... idk if I've ever tried to sensor anyone. I rarely even downvote let alone flag.
0 ups, 2y,
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Hiding doesn’t work unless you eradicate or mutate the virus before you come out. China tried it and paid the price when they came out of quarantine. The price was paid by all nations regardless of their strategy. Sweden suffered more initially but overall no worse than the rest of Europe and kept their schools and economy undamaged. The virus cannot mutate or weaken without infection. The inability of the vaccine to stop spread is well known and documented. It’s efficacy for preventing death is debateable, but sure you can thank Donald Trump for the warp speed vaccine if you like:
0 ups, 2y,
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My understanding of the point of isolating is either you die of COVID and the virus you had dies with you.... or your immune system battles it, kills it, and you cannot spread it to anyone else. But ya you have to be alone for that to work and if you're dying in a hospital or at your house, either way you're most likely not alone.

China went a little cuckoo with the welding of the doors and such. Not sure how it worked or not.... I trust their COVID numbers probably about as much as republicans trust ours.

As far as vaccines... My understanding is they worked the best for the first OG wave or strain or whatever but they never were 100% effective at anything. The best protection was/is "hybrid" immunity which was like what trump had.... a combination of having had covid + being vaccinated.

If the vaccine does nothing to prevent covid deaths, that would mean the ~3 years of documented deaths disproportionately affecting the unvaccinated were fake news. I'm sure some think ALL the covid deaths were fake news.. and it was really the flu or whatever...but the excess deaths basically disprove that.

Ya ya ya.. thanks trump for contributing to the idea that COVID is fake news, retweeting Q sh*t downplaying it, still comparing it the flu 6 months in, calling it a "democrat hoax" or whatever, and yes.... for doing what all the other major countries did... Throwing a bunch of government $$ at it. Communism for the win. Thanks trump. 👍
0 ups, 2y,
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If that worked then why haven’t we eradicated the flu in the last 30 centuries. Oh yeah because we live in the real world, not one of made up fantasies and should be’s that happen because communists will to be true.
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Well apparently in the real world we're not the only beings susceptible to both covid and the flu. Eradicating it completely would require wild animal quarantine..... So we're going to need to raise your taxes a little bit more so that we can get on that.
0 ups, 2y,
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Right! so quarantining won’t work on Covid either since it was found resident in animals and supposedly came from animals if you believe the democrat propaganda. It was a dumb destructive idea for anyone but the old and infirm.
0 ups, 2y
It wouldn't work as far as eradicating it completely. But I think theoretically it would've still have some effect on slowing the spread...(so long as you and any possible pets are not allowed out into the wilderness to be around other wild animals.) Buy us some time until the vaccines.

Anyway most governors thought it was worth a shot so we did it. Now the worst of it is over.
0 ups, 2y,
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Hospitals were given financial incentive to state the cause of death as covid even though people died of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, liver failure, pulmonary diseases, kidney disease, etc. Even a murder-suicide was recorded as covid death.

You came in for defibrillator having gone off and died - swab you post mortem. Not before, after.

Positive result - covid.
Negative result - covid (assumed false negative with no secondary testing was done).

Also should be known that early covid tests didn't distinguish between covid, flu, or other respiratory ailments. Test positive - automatic covid result.

I know your contrary nature will not allow you to admit you are wrong but this is fact. Meaning it actually went on.

You had every right to isolate yourself, wear a mask, and get multiple shots.

What you didn't have a right to do is vilify and bully those that did not.

You were no less likely to contract, carry, develop symptoms, or transmit the virus than those that abstained.
1 up, 2y,
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Covid can actually cause many other problems you might not think it would including some of the things you listed there.. (ok maybe not murder-suicide...unless it can cause mental problems idk)

We can't really know if someone would have had a heart attack or stroke anyway if they had not caught covid... but as far as overall deaths related to it, I think a decent metric to look at is excess death statistics... which went considerably up. Recently someone here was trying to claim covid dodged the Amish or something like that...meanwhile the Amish actually saw excess deaths increase something like ~120% during the worst of covid.

So you can talk about how the early tests were bogus (haven't looked into that), false positives, alleged financial incentive to lie, etc. But if covid came here and excess deaths suddenly increased............... that seems like an odd coincidence. But idk. Maybe y'all think excess deaths are fake news as well.

Idk if I vilified or bullied anyone but I definitely pointed out stuff which was incorrect.

"You were no less likely to contract, carry, develop symptoms, or transmit the virus than those that abstained."

0 ups, 2y,
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I am not making "allegations".

Some people's lung imaging were demonstrative of a covid cause of death

Covid death was attributed to people who tested negative.

COVID infection superceded alternate clinically verifiable causes of death

Many people's cause of death attributed to covid did not have covid.

Many people simply died of other causes while infected with covid.

Hospitals were paid premiums for covid patient admissions and deaths.

Hospitals are corporations first and foremost. If money is available they are going to grab as much as they can.

Whatever the reason(s) may prove to be, the reporting of the number of covid deaths was disingenuous.

Source for the last paragraph - "The Science" Anthony Fauci himself during one or more of his vacillating public announcements.
1 up, 2y,
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As I said covid can cause other problems..... whether or not you currently have covid. Someone in my family actually started randomly having seizures sometimes (after having covid) and the doctors think it's because of the brain swelling from covid (which they no longer have). Now if they had a seizure while driving and people died in that crash, on the surface that also would appear completely unrelated to covid and seem ludicrous to label it as such. They would test negative. The other people might also not have covid. And I mean... it was a car crash...... But these would be additional deaths which probably would not have happened without covid. Stuff like that may or may not be recorded as covid deaths but they would show up no matter what as a part of excess deaths. That is why they seem like a better metric than whatever hospitals recorded or didn't record.

Fauci said it? Ok I'll bite. Let's hear it. Where is it?
0 ups, 2y,
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Similar reports from many people related to "vaccination".

Don't feign ignorance, you watched his press briefings. 😐
1 up, 2y,
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Well one thing the vaccine did not and could not have contributed to..... the rise in excess deaths in 2020.

Lol no, hate to break whatever you think about me but I rarely watch the news nor press briefings. Sometimes I watch the stock channel though. When was that one?
0 ups, 2y,
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Excess deaths? In excess of what?

Surely you aren't attributing the rise in deaths in 2020 solely to covid.

Not to bust your narcissistic bubble, but I don't think about you as much, or in the manner, as you suppose.

"Rarely".... still you do watch, read, google, etc., the news.
0 ups, 2y,
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In excess of.... the amount of baseline expected deaths for a given year based on a historical trendline (plus a typical range+/-margin of error).

Shirley I would attribute the vast majority of excess deaths for 2020 directly or indirectly to the covid-19 pandemic. Far as I know there wasn't really any other new major variables introduced to America that year... I think we also had "murder hornets" come here that year but I'm not even sure if they actually killed anyone. Opioids/fentanyl deaths have been increasing overall for 6+ years, so they're not exactly anything new either and I'd basically expect a good amount of them to already be among expected deaths for 2020.

You seemed to think about me enough to assume I watched all his press briefings for whatever reason. Maybe you assume all Dems did idk

Kind of along the same lines I sat through an entire Rachel Maddow broadcast once about a year or 2 ago because someone here had accused me of parroting her (and I had no idea who she was)... so I decided to check out her show. It was ok. If I remember correctly some stuff I agreed with, some I did not. Anywho that was the last time I actually legit consumed a TV news program. I almost entirely read the news now... usually if I happen to see something of interest or am trying to determine whether or not someone might be full of sh*t /doesn't know what they're talking about.

Anywho.. again... when was that fauci press briefing? I'd like to check it out.
0 ups, 2y,
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Expected deaths. A guesstimate based on demographics and cdc health data.

Deaths rose in many categories, above the expectation, a few by 30% +/- in 2020.

Tell me, how many covid decedents in 2020 were illegal immigrants?

Not to say no one died from SARS CoV-2, but I have reason and insight to believe the number was/is exaggerated.
1 up, 2y
How many COVID deaths in America in 2020 were undocumented immigrants? Idk. Are you suggesting immigrants began pouring into America in 2020, during trumps presidency, and then died? ...or where were you going with that?
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