let's use your own clipped source to address your response, shall we?
while nobody likes their opinions challenged, because it is more comfortable to reside in our own cotton candy land of self-righteous certitude. The truth is usually far more complicated and almost ALWAYS not the spoon-fed bullshit that elementary school students are waterboarded with on the daily.
just because someone states something with confidence does not equate to that statement being correct, or true, but usually does have an element of truth. A small nugget of accuracy, while simultaneously editing out the pertinent facts that may weaken their attempted goal.
which is to sway opinion.
and is the fundamental bedrock of propaganda.
this particular nugget is an exceptionally old one, that has been thoroughly debunked decades ago.be careful who you give authority on such matters.
i was not taking a personal swing at you, my friend.
just pointing out that your statement is wrong and has been proven wrong for decades.