I didn't know Envoy was still here...
🟧 Two things:
⏺️ So-called Communist countries aren't. They started off with that aim but were quickly taken over by autocrats.
This is basically what happens with all gov'ts. Even the US Founding Fathers that we've deified, they actually originally set out to be our new aristocratic class, our new lords, all set to crown Washington a king. The spectre of armed serfs freshly versed in the fine art of rebellion and 13 colonies trying to assert their own particular needs that may seperate them from the rest ended up taking them us the direction they finally did. The French were inspired by our revolution, last thing our new rulers needed was us getting inspired by their guillotine. The didn't have a 5000 mile wide creek between them and their subjects like George III did to save their wigged heads from mopping the floor with their own blood.
Same deal with Stalin, Mao, Castro - dictators are nothing more but wannabe kings, sans the lineage to refer to.
So regardless of a radical ideology that would be classed as "Leftist," they were hijacked and refitted to same old Animal Farm, Right Wing with some cute curtains of faux-deology to doll up the windows behind which is rule by decree.
⏺️ As for the 100 million, if you look into it, you'll see that it's an estimate, more a guesstimate, and the aim was more towards fluffing up to that nice big round number than being realistic.
Also "killed" is a matter of perspective, of interpretation, as there is a difference between millions dying in famines exacerbated by bad central planning and someone deliberately setting forth to extirpate people domestically or abroad via war.
Stalin and Mao may have been brutal, but they did not outright set out to kill that many people. Hitler, on the other hand, was out to wipe everyone out except the Germans. That's a BIG difference. Bad crops and improperly managed mass works projects & policy are not the same as setting out to massacre millions of citizens and foreigners.